ICDP Web Site
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- Europe
- CFDDP, Italy
- COSC-1, Sweden
- COSC-2, Sweden
- DAFNE, Sweden
- DeepEGS, Finland
- DGLAB, Greece
- DIVE, Italy
- DOVE, Switzerland
- EGER, Czech Republic
- EIFEL, Germany
- FAR-DEEP, Russia
- FUCINO, Italy
- IDDP-1, Iceland
- IDDP-2, Iceland
- IMMAGE, Spain
- KMT, Iceland
- M-JET, Portugal
- MEME, Italy
- PVOLC, Denmark
- OUTO, Finland
- SCOPSCO, Macedonia
- STAR, Italy
- SUSTAIN, Iceland
- UrbEnLab, Netherlands
- Africa
- Europe
- Asia+Oceania
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- Intercontinental
- Europe+Africa
- By Acronym/Location
- By Theme
- Environmental Change
- Afar Dallol Drilling - ONset of Sedimentary Processes in an Active Rift Basin
- Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project
- Lake Baikal Drilling Project
- Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Deep Drilling Project
- Lake CHAd Deep DRILLing Project
- Deep Drilling of the Chalco Basin, Valley of Mexico
- Drilling Into Coral Reefs Near the Northern Limit
- Colorado Plateau Drilling Project 1
- Colorado Plateau Drilling Project 1
- Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project 1
- Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project 2
- Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin
- Drilling the Crater Lake Challa
- Probing Continental Climate of the Late Paleozoic Icehouse-Greenhouse Transition
- Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys
- Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project
- Southern Hemisphere Climate Change and Carbon Cycling
- Fucino sedimentary succession: longest and continuous terrestrial archive in the Mediterranean area recording the last 5 million years of Earth history
- Gabon and Oxygenation of Earth - Drilling Early Earth Project
- Geological Research Through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling: The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
- Lake El'gygytgyn Drilling Project
- Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project
- Investigating Miocene Mediterranean-Atlantic Exchange
- Integrated Understanding of the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale
- Lake Junín Drilling Project
- Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor
- Scientific Drilling in Lake Malawi, East African Rift
- Lake Qinghai Drilling Project
- Lake Titicaca Drilling Project
- Lake Victoria Drilling Project
- Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Research Well Program
- The Nam Co Drilling Project
- The Central American Bridge Between Two Continents and Two Oceans
- New Jersey Coastal Plain Drilling Project
- Lake Van Drilling Project
- Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project
- Coring Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Transects, Mid-Atlantic U.S. Coastal Plain
- Lake Petén Itzá Scientific Drilling Project
- Drilling Pliocene Lakes in Western North America
- Volcanic Forcing and Paleogene Climate Change
- Drilling an alkaline-carbonatite complex to understand how fluid-rock interaction influences rare earth element mineralisation, groundwater and deep life
- Continental Scientific Drilling Project Of Cretaceous Songliao Basin
- Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid
- Sensitivity Of The West Antarctic Ice Sheet To 2 Degrees Celsius
- Trans-Amazon Drilling Project
- Lake Towuti Drilling Project
- The Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project
- Unzen Scientific Drilling Project
- Weihe Basin Drilling Project
- Georesources
- Afar Dallol Drilling - ONset of Sedimentary Processes in an Active Rift Basin
- The Bushveld Complex Drilling Project
- Connections Among Life, Geo-Dynamics And Eruptions in a Rifting Arc Caldera
- Cornell University Deep Geothermal Test Borehole
- Campi Flegrei Caldera Deep Drilling Project
- Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe
- Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE
- Follow the CO2 - Drilling into an actively degassing intraplate volcano underlain by a silicic-carbonatitic intrusion
- Snake River Scientific Drilling Project
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project
- Drilling Into Krafla Magma - Krafla Magma Testbed
- Long Valley Exploratory Well
- Mallik 2002 Gas Hydrate Research Well Program
- Scientific Drilling in the Samail Ophiolite
- Drilling An Alkaline-carbonatite Complex To Understand How Fluid-rock Interaction Influences Rare Earth Element Mineralisation, Groundwater And Deep Life
- Continental Scientific Drilling Project Of Cretaceous Songliao Basin
- An urban energy laboratory for monitoring and better understanding of subsurface processes related to low-enthalpy geothermal heat production
- Geohazards
- Afar Dallol Drilling - ONset of Sedimentary Processes in an Active Rift Basin
- Connections Among Life, Geo-Dynamics And Eruptions in a Rifting Arc Caldera
- Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Deep Drilling Project
- Campi Flegrei Caldera Deep Drilling Project
- Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project 1
- Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project 2
- Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe
- Drilling Active Faults in South African Mines
- Deep Fault Drilling Project, Alpine Fault
- Deep Geodynamic Laboratory - Gulf of Corinth
- Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE
- Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys
- Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project
- Drilling into Seismogenic Zones of M2.0 - M5.5 Earthquakes in Deep South African Gold Mines
- Drilling the Eger Rift: Magmatic Fluids Driving the Earthquake Swarms and the Deep Biosphere
- Follow the CO2 - Drilling into an actively degassing intraplate volcano underlain by a silicic-carbonatitic intrusion
- A deep Geophysical Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault
- Lake El'gygytgyn Drilling Project
- Snake River Scientific Drilling Project
- Hawai'i Scientific Drilling Project
- Probing Reservoir Triggered Earthquakes at Koyna, India through Scientific Deep Drilling
- Rock Coring Koolau Volcano
- Long Valley Exploratory Well
- Scientific Drilling in the Samail Ophiolite
- San Andreas Fault Zone Observatory at Depth
- A Strainmeter Array Along the Alto Tiberina Fault System, Central Italy
- ICDP SUSTAIN Program at Surtsey
- Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Unzen Scientific Drilling Project
- Geodynamic Processes
- Afar Dallol Drilling - ONset of Sedimentary Processes in an Active Rift Basin
- Barberton Drilling Project: Peering into the Cradle of Life
- Barberton Archean Surface Environments, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt
- The Bushveld Complex Drilling Project
- Connections Among Life, Geo-Dynamics And Eruptions in a Rifting Arc Caldera
- Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Deep Drilling Project
- Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program
- Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides: Drilling the main Caledonian décollement and into the Basement of the Fennoscandian Shield
- Drilling Active Faults in South African Mines
- Follow the CO2 - Drilling into an actively degassing intraplate volcano underlain by a silicic-carbonatitic intrusion
- Fennoscandia Arctic Russia - Drilling Early Earth Project
- Gabon and Oxygenation of Earth - Drilling Early Earth Project
- Geological Research Through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling: The Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
- Hawai'i Scientific Drilling Project
- Rock Coring Koolau Volcano
- Long Valley Exploratory Well
- Scientific Drilling in the Samail Ophiolite
- The Outokumpu Deep Drilling Project
- ICDP SUSTAIN Program at Surtsey
- Environmental Change
- Support
- Outreach