Continental Scientific Drilling Into Coral Reefs Near The Northern Limit
Project Acronym: COREF | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5040
The COREF Project is designed to perform continental scientific drilling into Quaternary reef-complex deposits in different settings in the Ryukyu Islands to verify the following issues:
- The nature and magnitude of the coral-reef front migration in order to clarify the climatic/oceanographic factors controlling the reef formation.
- The coral reef ecosystem has highly varied responding to climatic changes on millennial to glacial-interglacial timescales.
- The Quaternary carbonate accumulation rates in coral reefs.
Keywords: Asia, Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Climate Change, Coral Reef Drilling, Geobiosphere, Global Environment, Paleoclimatology, Quaternary, Sea-level Changes
Project Management
Project Details
Project Location
Project Timeline
Sampling Party
15 - 30 November 2016 in Kochi, Japan
30 November 2013 - 8 March 2015
Full Proposal Approved
First Full Proposal Submitted
Workshop Held
15 - 17 January 2007 in Okinawa, Japan