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icdp Members & Contributors

...integrating scientists around the globe

ICDP boasts a strong and active participation of 22 member nations and the UNESCO to integrate scientists from developing countries into the program. Also scientists from non-member countries can contribute to a certain extend to our program. Partnership and networking with other Earth science programs is being steadily strengthened for an effective use of opportunities.

An overview of activities since the founding of ICDP in 1996 can be seen in the country profiles for members and also for contributors.

Click on 'Details' to get more information on a single country.
1: Australia Member since 2024
Australia Details
2: Austria Member since 2001
Austria Details
4: Czechia Member since 2003
Czechia Details
5: Estonia Member since 2022
Estonia Details
6: Finland Member since 2005
Finland Details
7: France Member since 2010
France Details
9: Iceland Member since 2001
Iceland Details
10: India Member since 2011
India Details
11: Israel Member since 2009
Israel Details
12: Italy Member since 2007
Italy Details
13: Japan Member since 1998
Japan Details
14: Netherlands Member since 2011
Netherlands Details
15: New Zealand Member since 2009
New Zealand Details
16: Norway Member since 2002
Norway Details
17: P.R. China Member since 1996
P.R. China Details
18: South Africa Member since 2007
South Africa Details
19: Spain Member since 2007
Spain Details
20: Sweden Member since 2008
Sweden Details
21: Switzerland Member since 2008
Switzerland Details
22: U.S.A. Member since 1996
U.S.A. Details
23: United Kingdom Member since 2012
United Kingdom Details
Click on 'Details' to get more information on a single country.
1: Argentina (Contributor)
Argentina Details
2: Brazil (Contributor)
Brazil Details
3: Canada (Contributor)
Canada Details
4: Denmark (Contributor)
Denmark Details
5: Indonesia (Contributor)
Indonesia Details
6: Mexico (Contributor)
Mexico Details
7: Poland Member since 1999
Poland Details
8: Russia (Contributor)
Russia Details
9: South Korea Member since 2012
South Korea Details

As partners we consider other science programs we collaborate with. If you see possible interaction with your program, feel free to contact us.




