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Recently Approved icdp Projects

...multidisciplinary projects at world-class geological sites

Recently approved full proposals since 2019, which are already or will soon become active drilling projects.

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# Project Acronym Project Name Proposal ID Project Current State Project Location Project Country Project Theme Project Duration Project Age Expedition Id Project Start Date
1 GOE-DEEP Gabon and Oxygenation of Earth - Drilling Early Earth Project ICDP-2024/03 Full Proposal Approved Franceville Gabon Paleoproterozoic
2 PEP-US Paleogene Earth Perturbations, U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain ICDP-2024/01 Full Proposal Approved US mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain U.S.A. Paleocene-Eocene
3 CPCP-2 Colorado Plateau Coring Project 2: A continuous record of Triassic-Jurassic environmental change ICDP-2023/04 Full Proposal Approved U.S.A. Environmental Change Triassic-Early Jurassic
4 LIBRE The Lake Izabal Basin Research Endeavor Continental Scientific Drilling Project ICDP-2023/03 Full Proposal Approved Lake Izabal Basin Guatemala Environmental Change Miocene to present
5 WBDP Weihe Basin Drilling Project (Phase I) Mio-Pleistocene Asian hydroclimate variability and dynamics ICDP-2022/02 Full Proposal Approved Weihe Basin;weih P.R. China Environmental Change Cenozoic
6 Deep Dust The Deep Dust Drilling Project: Earth-System Responses to the Penultimate Icehouse Collapse and Greenhouse Intensification ICDP-2022/01 Full Proposal Approved Norman U.S.A. Environmental Change Permian
7 KMT Drilling into Krafla magma - Krafla Magma Testbed ICDP-2021/05 Full Proposal Approved Krafla Caldera Iceland Georesources Present
8 SWAIS 2C Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Degrees Celsius ICDP-2021/03 Operational Phase Antarctica Environmental Change Neogene - Quaternary 5072
9 TSDP The Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: Unravelling 10 Million Years of African Environmental Evolution ICDP-2020/06 Full Proposal Approved Tanzania Environmental Change Late miocene-Present
10 NamCore The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet: A one million year sedimentary record from the third pole ICDP-2020/05 Operational Phase Nam Co P.R. China Environmental Change Quaternary 5073
11 DIVE; IVREA Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE ICDP-2020/04 Operational Phase Italy Geohazards 24 month Permian/Pre-Permian Lower Crust 5071
12 PVOLC Volcanic Forcing and Paleogene Climate Change ICDP-2020/03 Full Proposal Approved Limfjorden: Europe, Denmark, Jylland, Harre, Fur Denmark Environmental Change Paleogene
13 DAFNE Drilling Active Faults in Northern Europe (DAFNE) ICDP-2019/08 Full Proposal Approved Europe, Fennoscandia, Sweden, Finland, Norway Finland, Sweden Geohazards, Georesources 9 Quaternary , (proterozoic) 2022 (May)
14 BVDP The Bushveld Complex Drilling Project ICDP-2019/04 Drilling Africa, South Africa, Bushveld South Africa Geodynamic Processes 8 Late Archean 5067 2020 (Oct)
15 BASE Barberton Archean Surface Environments, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt ICDP-2019/03 Moratorium Phase Africa, South Africa, Moodies, Barberton South Africa Geodynamic Processes 10 months Archean 5069 2020 (Mar)