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Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Degrees Celsius

Project Acronym: SWAIS 2C | State: In Operation | Expedition ID: 5072

Response of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) to projected warming remains a significant uncertainty in sea level rise projections. This project will focus on understanding past and current drivers, mechanisms and feedbacks that influence retreat of ice sheets, to reduce uncertainty in numerical model projections of future changes.

The SWAIS 2C Project will address the overarching question: How will marine-based ice sheets respond to a 2°C increase in global temperature and what are the local, regional, and global environmental consequences of this response if temperatures ultimately exceed this 2°C increase?

Keywords: Antarctica, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, Ice Sheet, Melt Water, Sea Level

Project Details

Project Location

Project Timeline

Drilling First Season

First core on deck on 22 December 2023

Full Proposal Approved

First Full Proposal Submitted

Preliminary Proposal Submitted