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Project Acronym: CSDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5032

Martell J , Alwmark C , Woracek R , Alwmark S , Hall S , Ferrière L , Daly L , Koch CB , Hektor J , Johansson S , Helfen L , Tengattini A , Mannes D .
Combined Neutron and X-Ray Tomography—A Versatile and Non-Destructive Tool in Planetary Geosciences.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2024 ; 129 (2): [doi][doi]
Mendes BDL , Kontny A , Poelchau M , Fischer LA , Gaus K , Dudzisz K , Kuipers BWM , Dekkers MJ .
Peak-ring magnetism: Rock and mineral magnetic properties of the Chicxulub impact crater.
GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN. 2024 ; 136 (1-2): 307-328. [doi][doi]
Quraish SN , Cockell C , Wuchter C , Kring D , Grice K , Coolen MJL .
Deep subsurface microbial life in impact-altered Late Paleozoic granitoid rocks from the Chicxulub impact crater.
Geobiology. 2024 ; 22 (1): [doi][doi]
Graaff S , Ross C , Feignon J , Kaskes P , Gulick S , Goderis S , Déhais T , Debaille V , Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Mattielli N , Stockli D , Claeys P .
The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.
Lithos. 2023 ; 436-437 [doi][doi]
Garroni ND , Osinski GR .
The origin of carbonates in impact melt-bearing breccias from Site M0077 at the Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2023 ; 58 (6): 834 – 854. [doi][doi]
Rodríguez-Tovar F , Kaskes P , Ormö J , Gulick S , Whalen M , Jones H , Lowery C , Bralower T , Smit J , King J , Goderis S , Claeys P .
Life before impact in the Chicxulub area: unique marine ichnological signatures preserved in crater suevite.
Scientific Reports. 2022 ; 12 (1): [doi][doi]
Morgan J , Bralower TJ , Brugger J , Wuennemann K .
The Chicxulub impact and its environmental consequences.
NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT. 2022 ; 3 (5): 338-354. [doi][doi]
Hernández-Terrones L , Martínez L , Szamotulski J , González-Partida E , Morgan J , Lowery C , Gulick S , Rebolledo-Vieyra M , Kring D .
Study of fluid circulation through the chicxulub crater using Rock-Eval pyrolysis and fluid inclusions.
Applied Geochemistry. 2022 ; 137 [doi][doi]
Feignon J , Schulz T , Ferrière L , Goderis S , Graaff S , Kaskes P , Déhais T , Claeys P , Koeberl C .
Search for a meteoritic component within the impact melt rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure peak ring, Mexico.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2022 ; 323 74-101. [doi][doi]
Déhais T , Chernonozhkin S , Kaskes P , Graaff S , Debaille V , Vanhaecke F , Claeys P , Goderis S .
Resolving impact volatilization and condensation from target rock mixing and hydrothermal overprinting within the Chicxulub impact structure.
Geoscience Frontiers. 2022 ; 13 (5): [doi][doi]
Le Ber E , Loggia D , Denchik N , Lofi J , Kring D , Sardini P , Siitari-Kauppi M , Pezard P , Olivier G , Party IE3S .
Petrophysics of Chicxulub Impact Crater's Peak Ring.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2022 ; 127 (5): [doi][doi]
Graaff S , Kaskes P , Déhais T , Goderis S , Debaille V , Ross C , Gulick S , Feignon J , Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Smit J , Mattielli N , Claeys P .
New insights into the formation and emplacement of impact melt rocks within the Chicxulub impact structure, following the 2016 IODP-ICDP Expedition 364.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 2022 ; 134 (1-2): 293-315. [doi][doi]
Schaefer B , Schwark L , Böttcher ME , Smith V , Coolen MJL , Grice K .
Paleoenvironmental evolution during the Early Eocene Climate Optimum in the Chicxulub impact crater.
García-Garnica E , Pérez-Cruz L .
Hyperthermal events recorded in the Palaeogene carbonate sequence of southern Gulf of Mexico—Santa Elena borehole, Yucatan Peninsula.
Geological Journal. 2022 ; 57 (1): 99-113. [doi][doi]
Simpson S , Longstaffe F , Osinski G , Caudill C , Kring D .
A low-temperature, meteoric water-dominated origin for smectitic clay minerals in the Chicxulub impact crater upper peak ring, as inferred from their oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions.
Chemical Geology. 2022 ; 588 [doi][doi]
Ross C , Stockli D , Rasmussen C , Gulick S , Graaff S , Claeys P , Zhao J , Xiao L , Pickersgill A , Schmieder M , Kring D , Wittmann A , Morgan J .
Evidence of Carboniferous arc magmatism preserved in the Chicxulub impact structure.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 2022 ; 134 (1-2): 241-260. [doi][doi]
Huber M , Kovaleva E , Clark M , Riller U , Fourie F .
Evidence from the Vredefort Granophyre Dikes points to crustal relaxation following basin-size impact cratering.
Icarus. 2022 ; 374 [doi][doi]
Davison T , Collins G .
Complex Crater Formation by Oblique Impacts on the Earth and Moon.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2022 ; 49 (21): [doi][doi]
Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Arellano-Catalán O , Pérez-Cruz L , Romero-Galindo I .
Chicxulub Crater Joint Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Analysis: Structure, Asymmetries, Impact Trajectory and Target Structures.
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2022 ; 179 (8): 2735-2756. [doi][doi]
Nixon C , Kofman R , Lofi J , Gulick S , Saustrup S , Christeson G , Kring D .
Borehole Seismic Observations From the Chicxulub Impact Drilling: Implications for Seismic Reflectivity and Impact Damage.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2022 ; 23 (3): [doi][doi]
Kaskes P , Graaff S , Feignon J , Déhais T , Goderis S , Ferrière L , Koeberl C , Smit J , Wittmann A , Gulick S , Debaille V , Mattielli N , Claeys P .
Formation of the crater suevite sequence from the Chicxulub peak ring: A petrographic, geochemical, and sedimentological characterization.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 2022 ; 134 (3-4): 895-927. [doi][doi]
Schulte F , Wittmann A , Jung S , Morgan J , Gulick S , Kring D , Grieve R , Osinski G , Riller U , Bralower T , Chenot E , Christeson G , Claeys P , Cockell C , Coolen M , Ferrière L , Gebhardt C , Goto K , Green S , Jones H , LeBer E , Lofi J , Lowery C , Ocampo-Torres R , Pérez-Cruz L , Pickersgill A , Poelchau M , Rae A , Rasmussen C , Rebolledo-Vieyra M , Sato H , Schmitt D , Smit J , Tikoo S , Tomioka N , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Whalen M , Xiao L , Yamaguchi K , Party IE3S .
Ocean resurge-induced impact melt dynamics on the peak-ring of the Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico.
International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2021 ; 110 (7): 2619-2636. [doi][doi]
McCall N , Gulick S , Rae A , Poelchau M , Riller U , Lofi J , Morgan J .
Orientations of planar cataclasite zones in the Chicxulub peak ring as a ground truth for peak ring formation models.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2021 ; 576 [doi][doi]
Smith V , Warny S , Vellekoop J , Vajda V , Escarguel G , Jarzen D .
Palynology from ground zero of the Chicxulub impact, southern Gulf of Mexico.
Palynology. 2021 ; 45 (2): 283-299. [doi][doi]
Zhao J , Xiao L , Xiao Z , Morgan J , Osinski G , Neal C , Gulick S , Riller U , Claeys P , Zhao S , Prieur N , Nemchin A , Yu S .
Shock-deformed zircon from the Chicxulub impact crater and implications for cratering process.
Geology. 2021 ; 49 (7): 755-760. [doi][doi]
Guzmán-Hidalgo E , Grajales-Nishimura J , Eberli G , Aguayo-Camargo J , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Pérez-Cruz L .
Seismic stratigraphic evidence of a pre-impact basin in the Yucatán Platform: morphology of the Chicxulub crater and K/Pg boundary deposits.
Marine Geology. 2021 ; 441 [doi][doi]
Cockell C , Schaefer B , Wuchter C , Coolen M , Grice K , Schnieders L , Morgan J , Gulick S , Wittmann A , Lofi J , Christeson G , Kring D , Whalen M , Bralower T , Osinski G , Claeys P , Kaskes P , Graaff S , Déhais T , Goderis S , Hernandez Becerra N , Nixon S , Scientists IE3 .
Shaping of the Present-Day Deep Biosphere at Chicxulub by the Impact Catastrophe That Ended the Cretaceous.
Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021 ; 12 [doi][doi]
Wittmann A , Cavosie A , Timms N , Ferrière L , Rae A , Rasmussen C , Ross C , Stockli D , Schmieder M , Kring D , Zhao J , Xiao L , Morgan J , Gulick S , Scientists IE3 .
Shock impedance amplified impact deformation of zircon in granitic rocks from the Chicxulub impact crater.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2021 ; 575 [doi][doi]
Kaskes P , Déhais T , Graaff S , Goderis S , Claeys P .
Micro–X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) analysis of proximal impactites: High-resolution element mapping, digital image analysis, and quantifications.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 550 171-206. [doi][doi]
Kring D , Whitehouse M , Schmieder M .
Microbial Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in the Chicxulub Hydrothermal System.
Astrobiology. 2021 ; 21 (1): 103-114. [doi][doi]
Salge T , Tagle R , Schmitt R , Hecht L .
Petrographic and chemical studies of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sequence at El Guayal, Tabasco, Mexico: Implications for ejecta plume evolution from the Chicxulub impact crater.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 550 207-233. [doi][doi]
Kaskes P , Déhais T , Graaff S , Goderis S , Claeys P .
Micro-X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) analysis of proximal impactites: High-resolution element mapping, digital image analysis, and quantifications.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 550 171-206. [doi][doi]
Ebert M , Poelchau M , Kenkmann T , Gulick S , Lofi J , McCall N , Rae A .
Comparison of stress orientation indicators in Chicxulub's peak ring: Kinked biotites, basal PDFs, and feather features.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 550 479-493. [doi][doi]
Arp G , Dunkl I , Jung D , Karius V , Lukács R , Zeng L , Reimer A , Head I .
A Volcanic Ash Layer in the Nördlinger Ries Impact Structure (Miocene, Germany): Indication of Crater Fill Geometry and Origins of Long-Term Crater Floor Sagging.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2021 ; 126 (4): [doi][doi]
Ormö J , Gulick S , Whalen M , King J , Sturkell E , Morgan J .
Assessing event magnitude and target water depth for marine-target impacts: Ocean resurge deposits in the Chicxulub M0077A drill core compared.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2021 ; 564 [doi][doi]
Feignon J , Graaff S , Ferrière L , Kaskes P , Déhais T , Goderis S , Claeys P , Koeberl C .
Chicxulub impact structure, IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drill core: Geochemistry of the granite basement.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2021 ; 56 (7): 1243-1273. [doi][doi]
Christeson G , Morgan J , Gulick S .
Mapping the Chicxulub Impact Stratigraphy and Peak Ring Using Drilling and Seismic Data.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2021 ; 126 (8): [doi][doi]
Yanev Y , Benderev A , Zotov N , Dubinina E , Iliev I , Georgiev S , Ilieva I , Sergeeva I .
Exotic rock block from the Koshava gypsum mine, Northwest Bulgaria: Petrography, geochemistry, mineralogy and melting phenomena.
Geologica Balcanica. 2021 ; 50 (1): 45-65. [doi][doi]
Goderis S , Sato H , Ferrière L , Schmitz B , Burney D , Kaskes P , Vellekoop J , Wittmann A , Schulz T , Chernonozhkin S , Claeys P , Graaff S , Déhais T , Winter N , Elfman M , Feignon J , Ishikawa A , Koeberl C , Kristiansson P , Neal C , Owens J , Schmieder M , Sinnesael M , Vanhaecke F , Malderen S , Bralower T , Gulick S , Kring D , Lowery C , Morgan J , Smit J , Whalen M , Scientists IE3 .
Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure.
Science Advances. 2021 ; 7 (9): [doi][doi]
Kring D , Bach W .
Hydrogen Production from Alteration of Chicxulub Crater Impact Breccias: Potential Energy Source for a Subsurface Microbial Ecosystem.
Astrobiology. 2021 ; 21 (12): 1547-1564. [doi][doi]
Ortiz-Aleman C , Martin R , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Castillo M , Nava-Flores M .
Imaging the Chicxulub Central Crater Zone from Large-Scale Seismic Acoustic Wave Propagation and Gravity Modeling.
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2021 ; 178 (1): 55-77. [doi][doi]
Whalen M , Gulick S , Lowery C , Bralower T , Morgan J , Grice K , Schaefer B , Smit J , Ormö J , Wittmann A , Kring D , Lyons S , Goderis S .
Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition between impact and normal marine sedimentation near ground zero.
Marine Geology. 2020 ; 430 [doi][doi]
Simpson S , Osinski G , Longstaffe F , Schmieder M , Kring D .
Hydrothermal alteration associated with the Chicxulub impact crater upper peak-ring breccias.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2020 ; 547 [doi][doi]
Osinski G , Cockell C , Pontefract A , Sapers H .
The Role of Meteorite Impacts in the Origin of Life.
Astrobiology. 2020 ; 20 (9): 1121-1149. [doi][doi]
Osinski G , Ferrière L , Hill P , Prave A , Preston L , Singleton A , Pickersgill A .
The mesoproterozoic stac fada member, nw scotland: An impact origin confirmed but refined.
Journal of the Geological Society. 2020 ; 178 (1): [doi][doi]
Timms N , Kirkland C , Cavosie A , Rae A , Rickard W , Evans N , Erickson T , Wittmann A , Ferrière L , Collins G , Gulick S .
Shocked titanite records Chicxulub hydrothermal alteration and impact age.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2020 ; 281 12-30. [doi][doi]
Salguero-Hernández E , Pérez-Cruz L , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J .
Seismic attribute analysis of Chicxulub impact crater.
Acta Geophysica. 2020 ; 68 (3): 627-640. [doi][doi]
Kring D , Tikoo S , Schmieder M , Riller U , Rebolledo-Vieyra M , Simpson S , Osinski G , Gattacceca J , Wittmann A , Verhagen C , Cockell C , Coolen M , Longstaffe F , Gulick S , Morgan J , Bralower T , Chenot E , Christeson G , Claeys P , Ferrière L , Gebhardt C , Goto K , Green S , Jones H , Lofi J , Lowery C , Ocampo-Torres R , Pérez-Cruz L , Pickersgill A , Poelchau M , Rae A , Rasmussen C , Sato H , Smit J , Tomioka N , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Whalen M , Xiao L , Yamaguchi K .
Probing the hydrothermal system of the chicxulub impact crater.
Science Advances. 2020 ; 6 (22): [doi][doi]
Pittarello L , Ferrière L , Feignon J , Osinski G , Koeberl C .
Preferred orientation distribution of shock-induced planar microstructures in quartz and feldspar.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2020 ; 55 (5): 1082-1092. [doi][doi]
Heap M , Gilg H , Byrne P , Wadsworth F , Reuschlé T .
Petrophysical properties, mechanical behaviour, and failure modes of impact melt-bearing breccia (suevite) from the Ries impact crater (Germany).
Icarus. 2020 ; 349 [doi][doi]
Bralower T , Cosmidis J , Heaney P , Kump L , Morgan J , Harper D , Lyons S , Freeman K , Grice K , Wendler J , Zachos J , Artemieva N , Chen S , Gulick S , House C , Jones H , Lowery C , Nims C , Schaefer B , Thomas E , Vajda V .
Origin of a global carbonate layer deposited in the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2020 ; 548 [doi][doi]
Lyons S , Karp A , Bralower T , Grice K , Schaefer B , Gulick S , Morgan J , Freeman K .
Organic matter from the Chicxulub crater exacerbated the K-Pg impact winter.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 ; 117 (41): 25327-25334. [doi][doi]
Ebert M , Poelchau M , Kenkmann T , Schuster B .
Tracing shock-wave propagation in the Chicxulub crater: Implications for the formation of peak rings.
Geology. 2020 ; 48 (8): 814-818. [doi][doi]
Osinski G , Grieve R , Hill P , Simpson S , Cockell C , Christeson G , Ebert M , Gulick S , Melosh H , Riller U , Tikoo S , Wittmann A .
Explosive interaction of impact melt and seawater following the Chicxulub impact event.
Geology. 2020 ; 48 (2): 108-112. [doi][doi]
Cox M , Erickson T , Schmieder M , Christoffersen R , Ross D , Cavosie A , Bland P , Kring D , Gulick S , Morgan J , Carter G , Chenot E , Christeson G , Claeys P , Cockell C , Coolen M , Ferrière L , Gebhardt C , Goto K , Jones H , Lofi J , Lowery C , Ocampo-Torres R , Pérez-Cruz L , Pickersgill A , Poelchau M , Rae A , Rasmussen C , Rebolledo-Vieyra M , Riller U , Sato H , Smit J , Tikoo S , Tomioka N , Whalen M , Wittmann A , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Xiao L , Yamaguchi K , Scientists IE3 .
High-resolution microstructural and compositional analyses of shock deformed apatite from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2020 ; 55 (8): [doi][doi]
Feignon J , Ferrière L , Leroux H , Koeberl C .
Characterization of shocked quartz grains from Chicxulub peak ring granites and shock pressure estimates.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2020 ; 55 (10): 2206-2223. [doi][doi]
Schaefer B , Grice K , Coolen MJ , Summons RE , Cui X , Bauersachs T , Schwark L , Böttcher ME , Bralower TJ , Lyons SL , Freeman KH , Cockell CS , Morgan JV , Whalen MT , Lowery CM , Vajda V .
{Microbial life in the nascent Chicxulub crater}.
Geology. 2020 01 ; 48 (4): 328-332. [doi][doi]
Collins G , Patel N , Davison T , Rae A , Morgan J , Gulick S , Christeson G , Chenot E , Claeys P , Cockell C , Coolen M , Ferrière L , Gebhardt C , Goto K , Jones H , Kring D , Lofi J , Lowery C , Ocampo-Torres R , Pérez-Cruz L , Pickersgill A , Poelchau M , Rasmussen C , Rebolledo-Vieyra M , Riller U , Sato H , Smit J , Tikoo S , Tomioka N , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Whalen M , Wittmann A , Xiao L , Yamaguchi K , Artemieva N , Bralower T , Party IE3S , Scientists T .
A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact.
Nature Communications. 2020 ; 11 (1): [doi][doi]
Nixon C , Kofman R , Gulick S , Christeson G , Saustrup S , Lofi J , Morgan J .
Assessment of rock damage using seismic methods: Wave speeds and attenuation from borehole measurements in the Chicxulub Impact structure..
In: Nixon C , Kofman R , Gulick S , Christeson G , Saustrup S , Lofi J , Morgan J . Assessment of rock damage using seismic methods: Wave speeds and attenuation from borehole measurements in the Chicxulub Impact structure.. 2020 .
Zhao J , Xiao L , Gulick S , Morgan J , Kring D , Fucugauchi J , Schmieder M , Graaff S , Wittmann A , Ross C , Claeys P , Pickersgill A , Kaskes P , Goderis S , Rasmussen C , Vajda V , Ferrière L , Feignon J , Chenot E , Pérez-Cruz L , Sato H , Yamaguchi K , Scientists IE3 .
Geochemistry, geochronology and petrogenesis of Maya Block granitoids and dykes from the Chicxulub Impact Crater, Gulf of México: Implications for the assembly of Pangea.
Gondwana Research. 2020 ; 82 128-150. [doi][doi]
Dörfler M , Kenkmann T .
Central uplift collapse in acoustically fluidized granular targets: Insights from analog modeling.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2020 ; 55 (2): 441-456. [doi][doi]
Scheller E , Ehlmann B .
Composition, Stratigraphy, and Geological History of the Noachian Basement Surrounding the Isidis Impact Basin.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2020 ; 125 (7): [doi][doi]
Jacob B , Misra S , Parameswaran V , Mandal N .
Control of planar fabrics on the development of tensile damage zones under high-speed deformation: An experimental study with granite and gneiss.
Journal of Structural Geology. 2020 ; 140 [doi][doi]
Harms U , Tobin H .
Deep Scientific Drilling.
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. 2020 ; PartF4 [doi][doi]
Kletetschka G , Ocampo Uria A , Zila V , Elbra T .
Electric discharge evidence found in a new class of material in the Chicxulub ejecta.
Scientific Reports. 2020 ; 10 (1): [doi][doi]
Navarro K , Urrutia-Fucugauchi J , Villagran-Muniz M , Sánchez-Aké C , Pi-Puig T , Pérez-Cruz L , Navarro-González R .
Emission spectra of a simulated Chicxulub impact-vapor plume at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary.
Icarus. 2020 ; 346 [doi][doi]
Veneranda M , Lopez-Reyes G , Manrique J , Medina J , Ruiz-Galende P , Torre-Fdez I , Castro K , Lantz C , Poulet F , Dypvik H , Werner S , Rull F .
ExoMars raman laser spectrometer: A tool for the potential recognition of wet-target craters on mars.
Astrobiology. 2020 ; 20 (3): 349-363. [doi][doi]
Osinski GR , Grieve RA , Hill PJ , Simpson SL , Cockell C , Christeson GL , Ebert M , Gulick S , Melosh HJ , Riller U , Tikoo SM , Wittmann A .
{Explosive interaction of impact melt and seawater following the Chicxulub impact event}.
Geology. 2019 Nov. ; 48 (2): 108-112. [doi][doi]
Rasmussen C , Stockli D , Ross C , Pickersgill A , Gulick S , Schmieder M , Christeson G , Wittmann A , Kring D , Morgan J , Party IE3S .
U-Pb memory behavior in Chicxulub's peak ring — Applying U-Pb depth profiling to shocked zircon.
Chemical Geology. 2019 ; 525 356-367. [doi][doi]
Snedden J , Galloway W . The gulf of Mexico sedimentary basin: Depositional evolution and petroleum applications. 2019 . p. 1-326. [doi][doi]
Gulick S , Bralower T , Ormö J , Grice K , Schaefer B , Lyons S , Freeman K , Morgan J , Artemieva N , Kaskes P , De Graaff S , Whalen M , Collins G , Tikoo S , Verhagen C , Christeson G , Claeys P , Coolen M , Goderis S , Goto K , Grieve R , McCall N , Osinski G , Rae A , Riller U , Smit J , Vajda V , Wittmann A .
The first day of the Cenozoic.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 ; 116 (39): 19342-19351. [doi][doi]
Rae A , Collins G , Poelchau M , Riller U , Davison T , Grieve R , Osinski G , Morgan J , Iodp-Icdp E .
Stress-Strain Evolution During Peak-Ring Formation: A Case Study of the Chicxulub Impact Structure.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2019 ; 124 (2): 396-417. [doi][doi]
Tillberg M , Ivarsson M , Drake H , Whitehouse M , Kooijman E , Schmitt M .
Re-evaluating the age of deep biosphere fossils in the lockne impact structure.
Geosciences (Switzerland). 2019 ; 9 (5): [doi][doi]
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