Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017
Guillerm E
Gardien V
Waldmann N
Brall N
Ariztegui D
Schwab M
Neugebauer I
Lach A
Caupin F
Reconstruction of Dead Sea lake level and mass balance back to 237 ka BP using halite fluid inclusions.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2023 ; 303 [doi][doi]
Reconstruction of Dead Sea lake level and mass balance back to 237 ka BP using halite fluid inclusions.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2023 ; 303 [doi][doi]
Levy E
Thomas C
Antler G
Gavrieli I
Turchyn A
Grossi V
Ariztegui D
Sivan O
Intensified microbial sulfate reduction in the deep Dead Sea during the early Holocene Mediterranean sapropel 1 deposition.
Geobiology. 2022 ; 20 (4): 518-532. [doi][doi]
Intensified microbial sulfate reduction in the deep Dead Sea during the early Holocene Mediterranean sapropel 1 deposition.
Geobiology. 2022 ; 20 (4): 518-532. [doi][doi]
Tierney J
Torfstein A
Bhattacharya T
Late Quaternary hydroclimate of the Levant: The leaf wax record from the Dead Sea.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2022 ; 289 [doi][doi]
Late Quaternary hydroclimate of the Levant: The leaf wax record from the Dead Sea.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2022 ; 289 [doi][doi]
Lu Y
Pope E
Moernaut J
Bookman R
Waldmann N
Agnon A
Marco S
Strasser M
Stratigraphic record reveals contrasting roles of overflows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea).
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2022 ; 594 [doi][doi]
Stratigraphic record reveals contrasting roles of overflows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea).
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2022 ; 594 [doi][doi]
Lu Y
Wetzler N
Marco S
Fang X
Subaqueous event deposits response to regional neotectonics: Case studies of the Dead Sea Basin and the Qaidam Basin.
Quaternary Sciences. 2022 ; 42 (3): 617-636. [doi][doi]
Subaqueous event deposits response to regional neotectonics: Case studies of the Dead Sea Basin and the Qaidam Basin.
Quaternary Sciences. 2022 ; 42 (3): 617-636. [doi][doi]
Frumkin A
Stein M
Goldstein S
High resolution environmental conditions of the last interglacial (MIS5e) in the Levant from Sr, C and O isotopes from a Jerusalem stalagmite.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2022 ; 586 [doi][doi]
High resolution environmental conditions of the last interglacial (MIS5e) in the Levant from Sr, C and O isotopes from a Jerusalem stalagmite.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2022 ; 586 [doi][doi]
Lu Y
Moernaut J
Bookman R
Waldmann N
Wetzler N
Agnon A
Marco S
Alsop G
Strasser M
Hubert-Ferrari A
A New Approach to Constrain the Seismic Origin for Prehistoric Turbidites as Applied to the Dead Sea Basin.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 ; 48 (3): [doi][doi]
A New Approach to Constrain the Seismic Origin for Prehistoric Turbidites as Applied to the Dead Sea Basin.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2021 ; 48 (3): [doi][doi]
Neugebauer I
Müller D
Schwab M
Blockley S
Lane C
Wulf S
Appelt O
Brauer A
Cryptotephras in the Lateglacial ICDP Dead Sea sediment record and their implications for chronology.
Boreas. 2021 ; 50 (3): 844-861. [doi][doi]
Cryptotephras in the Lateglacial ICDP Dead Sea sediment record and their implications for chronology.
Boreas. 2021 ; 50 (3): 844-861. [doi][doi]
Lu Y
Bookman R
Waldmann N
Marco S
A 45 kyr laminae record from the Dead Sea: Implications for basin erosion and floods recurrence.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 229 [doi][doi]
A 45 kyr laminae record from the Dead Sea: Implications for basin erosion and floods recurrence.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 229 [doi][doi]
Coianiz L
Schattner U
Lang G
Ben-Avraham Z
Lazar M
Between plate and salt tectonics—New stratigraphic constraints on the architecture and timing of the Dead Sea basin during the Late Quaternary.
Basin Research. 2020 ; 32 (4): 636-651. [doi][doi]
Between plate and salt tectonics—New stratigraphic constraints on the architecture and timing of the Dead Sea basin during the Late Quaternary.
Basin Research. 2020 ; 32 (4): 636-651. [doi][doi]
Goldstein S
Kiro Y
Torfstein A
Kitagawa H
Tierney J
Stein M
Revised chronology of the ICDP Dead Sea deep drill core relates drier-wetter-drier climate cycles to insolation over the past 220 kyr.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 244 [doi][doi]
Revised chronology of the ICDP Dead Sea deep drill core relates drier-wetter-drier climate cycles to insolation over the past 220 kyr.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 244 [doi][doi]
Stein M
Goldstein S
The ICDP dead sea deep drilling project – introduction.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 249 [doi][doi]
The ICDP dead sea deep drilling project – introduction.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 ; 249 [doi][doi]
Palchan D
Erel Y
Stein M
Mobilization of fine detritus to the Dead Sea Basin during the late glacial and early Holocene.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 218 395-405. [doi][doi]
Mobilization of fine detritus to the Dead Sea Basin during the late glacial and early Holocene.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 218 395-405. [doi][doi]
Ben Dor Y
Neugebauer I
Enzel Y
Schwab M
Tjallingii R
Erel Y
Brauer A
Varves of the Dead Sea sedimentary record.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 215 173-184. [doi][doi]
Varves of the Dead Sea sedimentary record.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 215 173-184. [doi][doi]
Coianiz L
Ben-Avraham Z
Stein M
Lazar M
Spatial and temporal reconstruction of the late Quaternary Dead Sea sedimentary facies from geophysical properties.
Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2019 ; 160 15-27. [doi][doi]
Spatial and temporal reconstruction of the late Quaternary Dead Sea sedimentary facies from geophysical properties.
Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2019 ; 160 15-27. [doi][doi]
Levy E
Sivan O
Antler G
Lazar B
Stein M
Yechieli Y
Gavrieli I
Mount Sedom salt diapir - Source for sulfate replenishment and gypsum supersaturation in the last glacial Dead Sea (Lake Lisan).
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 221 [doi][doi]
Mount Sedom salt diapir - Source for sulfate replenishment and gypsum supersaturation in the last glacial Dead Sea (Lake Lisan).
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 221 [doi][doi]
Coianiz L
Bialik O
Ben-Avraham Z
Lazar M
Late Quaternary lacustrine deposits of the Dead Sea basin: high resolution sequence stratigraphy from downhole logging data.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 210 175-189. [doi][doi]
Late Quaternary lacustrine deposits of the Dead Sea basin: high resolution sequence stratigraphy from downhole logging data.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 210 175-189. [doi][doi]
Kushnir Y
Stein M
Medieval climate in the Eastern Mediterranean: Instability and evidence of solar forcing.
Atmosphere. 2019 ; 10 (1): [doi][doi]
Medieval climate in the Eastern Mediterranean: Instability and evidence of solar forcing.
Atmosphere. 2019 ; 10 (1): [doi][doi]
Oryan B
Villinger H
Lazar M
Schwab M
Neugebauer I
Ben-Avraham Z
Heat flow in the Dead Sea from the ICDP boreholes and its implication for the structure of the basin.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 210 103-112. [doi][doi]
Heat flow in the Dead Sea from the ICDP boreholes and its implication for the structure of the basin.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 210 103-112. [doi][doi]
Belmaker R
Lazar B
Stein M
Taha N
Bookman R
Constraints on aragonite precipitation in the Dead Sea from geochemical measurements of flood plumes.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 221 [doi][doi]
Constraints on aragonite precipitation in the Dead Sea from geochemical measurements of flood plumes.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 221 [doi][doi]
Miebach A
Stolzenberger S
Wacker L
Hense A
Litt T
A new Dead Sea pollen record reveals the last glacial paleoenvironment of the southern Levant.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 214 98-116. [doi][doi]
A new Dead Sea pollen record reveals the last glacial paleoenvironment of the southern Levant.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019 ; 214 98-116. [doi][doi]
Ben Dor Y
Armon M
Ahlborn M
Morin E
Erel Y
Brauer A
Schwab M
Tjallingii R
Enzel Y
Changing flood frequencies under opposing late Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean climates.
Scientific Reports. 2018 ; 8 (1): [doi][doi]
Changing flood frequencies under opposing late Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean climates.
Scientific Reports. 2018 ; 8 (1): [doi][doi]
Chen C
Litt T
Dead Sea pollen provides new insights into the paleoenvironment of the southern Levant during MIS 6–5.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 ; 188 15-27. [doi][doi]
Dead Sea pollen provides new insights into the paleoenvironment of the southern Levant during MIS 6–5.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 ; 188 15-27. [doi][doi]
Ahlborn M
Armon M
Ben Dor Y
Neugebauer I
Schwab M
Tjallingii R
Shoqeir J
Morin E
Enzel Y
Brauer A
Increased frequency of torrential rainstorms during a regional late Holocene eastern Mediterranean drought.
Quaternary Research (United States). 2018 ; 89 (2): 425-431. [doi][doi]
Increased frequency of torrential rainstorms during a regional late Holocene eastern Mediterranean drought.
Quaternary Research (United States). 2018 ; 89 (2): 425-431. [doi][doi]
Levy E
Yechieli Y
Gavrieli I
Lazar B
Kiro Y
Stein M
Sivan O
Salt precipitation and dissolution in the late Quaternary Dead Sea: Evidence from chemical and δ37Cl composition of pore fluids and halites.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2018 ; 487 127-137. [doi][doi]
Salt precipitation and dissolution in the late Quaternary Dead Sea: Evidence from chemical and δ37Cl composition of pore fluids and halites.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2018 ; 487 127-137. [doi][doi]
Palchan D
Stein M
Goldstein S
Almogi-Labin A
Tirosh O
Erel Y
Synoptic conditions of fine-particle transport to the last interglacial Red Sea-Dead Sea from Nd-Sr compositions of sediment cores.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 ; 179 123-136. [doi][doi]
Synoptic conditions of fine-particle transport to the last interglacial Red Sea-Dead Sea from Nd-Sr compositions of sediment cores.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 ; 179 123-136. [doi][doi]
Torfstein A
Turchyn A
Rates and cycles of microbial sulfate reduction in the hyper-saline dead sea over the last 200 kyrs from sedimentary δ34 S and δ18 O(SO4).
Frontiers in Earth Science. 2017 ; 5 [doi][doi]
Rates and cycles of microbial sulfate reduction in the hyper-saline dead sea over the last 200 kyrs from sedimentary δ34 S and δ18 O(SO4).
Frontiers in Earth Science. 2017 ; 5 [doi][doi]
Waldmann N
The Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Samra Formation.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 99–106. [doi][doi]
The Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Samra Formation.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 99–106. [doi][doi]
Torfstein A
The Amora Formation, Dead Sea Basin.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 91–98. [doi][doi]
The Amora Formation, Dead Sea Basin.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 91–98. [doi][doi]
Waldmann N
Neugebauer I
Palchan D
Hadzhiivanova E
Taha N
Brauer A
Enzel Y
Sedimentology of the Lacustrine Formations in the Dead Sea Basin.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 83–90. [doi][doi]
Sedimentology of the Lacustrine Formations in the Dead Sea Basin.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 83–90. [doi][doi]
Kiro Y
Goldstein S
Garcia-Veigas J
Levy E
Kushnir Y
Stein M
Lazar B
Relationships between lake-level changes and water and salt budgets in the Dead Sea during extreme aridities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2017 ; 464 211-226. [doi][doi]
Relationships between lake-level changes and water and salt budgets in the Dead Sea during extreme aridities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2017 ; 464 211-226. [doi][doi]
Neugebauer I
Wulf S
Schwab M
Serb J
Plessen B
Appelt O
Brauer A
Implications of S1 tephra findings in Dead Sea and Tayma palaeolake sediments for marine reservoir age estimation and palaeoclimate synchronisation.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2017 ; 170 269-275. [doi][doi]
Implications of S1 tephra findings in Dead Sea and Tayma palaeolake sediments for marine reservoir age estimation and palaeoclimate synchronisation.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2017 ; 170 269-275. [doi][doi]
Kitagawa H
Stein M
Goldstein S
Nakamura T
Lazar B
Party DS
Radiocarbon chronology of the dsddp core at the deepest floor of the dead sea.
Radiocarbon. 2017 ; 59 (2): 383-394. [doi][doi]
Radiocarbon chronology of the dsddp core at the deepest floor of the dead sea.
Radiocarbon. 2017 ; 59 (2): 383-394. [doi][doi]
Levy E
Stein M
Lazar B
Gavrieli I
Yechieli Y
Sivan O
Pore fluids in Dead Sea sediment core reveal linear response of lake chemistry to global climate changes.
Geology. 2017 ; 45 (4): 315-318. [doi][doi]
Pore fluids in Dead Sea sediment core reveal linear response of lake chemistry to global climate changes.
Geology. 2017 ; 45 (4): 315-318. [doi][doi]
Palchan D
Neugebauer I
Amitai Y
Waldmann N
Schwab M
Dulski P
Brauer A
Stein M
Erel Y
Enzel Y
North Atlantic controlled depositional cycles in MIS 5e layered sediments from the deep Dead Sea basin.
Quaternary Research (United States). 2017 ; 87 (1): 168-179. [doi][doi]
North Atlantic controlled depositional cycles in MIS 5e layered sediments from the deep Dead Sea basin.
Quaternary Research (United States). 2017 ; 87 (1): 168-179. [doi][doi]
Stein M
Goldstein SL
Lake Lisan: The Archive of the Last Glacial Levant's Hydroclimatology.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 107–114. [doi][doi]
Lake Lisan: The Archive of the Last Glacial Levant's Hydroclimatology.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 107–114. [doi][doi]
Torfstein A
Enzel Y
Dead Sea Lake Level Changes and Levant Palaeoclimate.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 115–126. [doi][doi]
Dead Sea Lake Level Changes and Levant Palaeoclimate.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 115–126. [doi][doi]
Stein M
Lazar B
Torfstein A
Goldstein SL
Chronologies of Late Quaternary Coral Reefs and Lake Sediments from the Red Sea and Dead Sea Rift Valley.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 75–82. [doi][doi]
Chronologies of Late Quaternary Coral Reefs and Lake Sediments from the Red Sea and Dead Sea Rift Valley.
In: Enzel, Yehouda and Bar-Yosef, OferEditors, editors. Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans. Cambridge University Press; 2017 . p. 75–82. [doi][doi]
Kiro Y
Goldstein SL
Lazar B
Stein M
{Environmental implications of salt facies in the Dead Sea}.
GSA Bulletin. 2016 05 ; 128 (5-6): 824-841. [doi][doi]
{Environmental implications of salt facies in the Dead Sea}.
GSA Bulletin. 2016 05 ; 128 (5-6): 824-841. [doi][doi]
Neugebauer I
Schwab M
Waldmann N
Tjallingii R
Frank U
Hadzhiivanova E
Naumann R
Taha N
Agnon A
Enzel Y
Brauer A
Hydroclimatic variability in the Levant during the early last glacial ( ∼ 117-75 ka) derived from micro-facies analyses of deep Dead Sea sediments.
Climate of the Past. 2016 ; 12 (1): 75-90. [doi][doi]
Hydroclimatic variability in the Levant during the early last glacial ( ∼ 117-75 ka) derived from micro-facies analyses of deep Dead Sea sediments.
Climate of the Past. 2016 ; 12 (1): 75-90. [doi][doi]
Thomas C
Ebert Y
Kiro Y
Stein M
Ariztegui D
Microbial sedimentary imprint on the deep Dead Sea sediment.
Depositional Record. 2016 ; 2 (1): 118-138. [doi][doi]
Microbial sedimentary imprint on the deep Dead Sea sediment.
Depositional Record. 2016 ; 2 (1): 118-138. [doi][doi]
López-Merino L
Leroy S
Eshel A
Epshtein V
Belmaker R
Bookman R
Using palynology to re-assess the Dead Sea laminated sediments - Indeed varves?.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2016 ; 140 49-66. [doi][doi]
Using palynology to re-assess the Dead Sea laminated sediments - Indeed varves?.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2016 ; 140 49-66. [doi][doi]
Ariztegui D
Thomas C
Vuillemin A
Present and future of subsurface biosphere studies in lacustrine sediments through scientific drilling.
International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2015 ; 104 (6): 1655-1665. [doi][doi]
Present and future of subsurface biosphere studies in lacustrine sediments through scientific drilling.
International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2015 ; 104 (6): 1655-1665. [doi][doi]
Thomas C
Ionescu D
Ariztegui D
team T
Impact of paleoclimate on the distribution of microbial communities in the subsurface sediment of the Dead Sea.
Geobiology. 2015 ; 13 (6): 546-561. [doi][doi]
Impact of paleoclimate on the distribution of microbial communities in the subsurface sediment of the Dead Sea.
Geobiology. 2015 ; 13 (6): 546-561. [doi][doi]
Neugebauer I
Brauer A
Schwab M
Dulski P
Frank U
Hadzhiivanova E
Kitagawa H
Litt T
Schiebel V
Taha N
Waldmann N
Evidences for centennial dry periods at ~3300 and ~2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments.
Holocene. 2015 ; 25 (8): 1358-1371. [doi][doi]
Evidences for centennial dry periods at ~3300 and ~2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments.
Holocene. 2015 ; 25 (8): 1358-1371. [doi][doi]
Torfstein A
Goldstein S
Kushnir Y
Enzel Y
Haug G
Stein M
Dead Sea drawdown and monsoonal impacts in the Levant during the last interglacial.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2015 ; 412 235-244. [doi][doi]
Dead Sea drawdown and monsoonal impacts in the Levant during the last interglacial.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2015 ; 412 235-244. [doi][doi]
Çağatay M
Öğretmen N
Damci E
Stockhecke M
Eriş K
Özeren S
Lake level and climate records of the last 90ka from the Northern Basin of Lake Van, eastern Turkey.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 ; 104 97-116. [doi][doi]
Lake level and climate records of the last 90ka from the Northern Basin of Lake Van, eastern Turkey.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 ; 104 97-116. [doi][doi]
Neugebauer I
Brauer A
Schwab M
Waldmann N
Enzel Y
Kitagawa H
Torfstein A
Frank U
Dulski P
Agnon A
Ariztegui D
Ben-Avraham Z
Goldstein S
Stein M
Party DS
Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP).
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 ; 102 149-165. [doi][doi]
Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP).
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 ; 102 149-165. [doi][doi]
Lazar B
Sivan O
Yechieli Y
Levy E
Antler G
Gavrieli I
Stein M
Long-term freshening of the Dead Sea brine revealed by porewater Cl- and δO18 in ICDP Dead Sea deep-drill.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2014 ; 400 94-101. [doi][doi]
Long-term freshening of the Dead Sea brine revealed by porewater Cl- and δO18 in ICDP Dead Sea deep-drill.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2014 ; 400 94-101. [doi][doi]
Liu T
Broecker W
Stein M
Rock varnish evidence for a Younger Dryas wet period in the Dead Sea basin.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2013 ; 40 (10): 2229-2235. [doi][doi]
Rock varnish evidence for a Younger Dryas wet period in the Dead Sea basin.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2013 ; 40 (10): 2229-2235. [doi][doi]
Williams J
Schwab M
Brauer A
An early first-century earthquake in the Dead Sea.
International Geology Review. 2012 ; 54 (10): 1219-1228. [doi][doi]
An early first-century earthquake in the Dead Sea.
International Geology Review. 2012 ; 54 (10): 1219-1228. [doi][doi]
Litt T
Ohlwein C
Neumann F
Hense A
Stein M
Holocene climate variability in the Levant from the Dead Sea pollen record.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2012 ; 49 95-105. [doi][doi]
Holocene climate variability in the Levant from the Dead Sea pollen record.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2012 ; 49 95-105. [doi][doi]
Stein M
Ben-Avraham Z
Goldstein S
Dead Sea deep cores: A window into past climate and seismicity.
Eos. 2011 ; 92 (49): 453-454. [doi][doi]
Dead Sea deep cores: A window into past climate and seismicity.
Eos. 2011 ; 92 (49): 453-454. [doi][doi]
Stein M
Ben-Avraham Z
Goldstein S
Agnon A
Ariztegui D
Brauer A
Haug G
Ito E
Yasuda Y
Deep Drilling at the Dead Sea.
Scientific Drilling. 2011 ; 11 46-47. [doi][doi]
Deep Drilling at the Dead Sea.
Scientific Drilling. 2011 ; 11 46-47. [doi][doi]
Kagan E
Stein M
Agnon A
Neumann F
Erratum: Intrabasin paleoearthquake and quiescence correlation of the late Holocene Dead Sea (Journal of Geophysical Research (2011) (116) DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008870).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2011 ; 116 (11):
Erratum: Intrabasin paleoearthquake and quiescence correlation of the late Holocene Dead Sea (Journal of Geophysical Research (2011) (116) DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008870).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2011 ; 116 (11):
Kagan E
Stein M
Agnon A
Neumann F
Intrabasin paleoearthquake and quiescence correlation of the late Holocene Dead Sea.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2011 ; 116 (4): [doi][doi]
Intrabasin paleoearthquake and quiescence correlation of the late Holocene Dead Sea.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2011 ; 116 (4): [doi][doi]
Alsop G
Marco S
Soft-sediment deformation within seismogenic slumps of the Dead Sea Basin.
Journal of Structural Geology. 2011 ; 33 (4): 433-457. [doi][doi]
Soft-sediment deformation within seismogenic slumps of the Dead Sea Basin.
Journal of Structural Geology. 2011 ; 33 (4): 433-457. [doi][doi]