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Project Acronym: TOWUTI | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5055

Ruiz-Blas F , Bartholomäus A , Yang S , Wagner D , Henny C , Russell JM , Kallmeyer J , Vuillemin A .
Metabolic features that select for Bathyarchaeia in modern ferruginous lacustrine subsurface sediments.
ISME Communications. 2024 09 ; [doi][doi]
Ekram MA , Campbell M , Kose SH , Plet C , Hamilton R , Bijaksana S , Grice K , Russell J , Stevenson J , Vogel H , Coolen MJL .
A 1 Ma sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) record of catchment vegetation changes and the developmental history of tropical Lake Towuti (Sulawesi, Indonesia).
Geobiology. 2024 ; 22 (3): e12599. [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Ruiz-Blas F , Yang S , Bartholomaus A , Henny C , Kallmeyer J .
Taxonomic and functional partitioning of Chloroflexota populations under ferruginous conditions at and below the sediment-water interface.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2024 ; [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Mayr C , Schuessler JA , Friese A , Bauer KW , Lücke A , Heuer VB , Glombitza C , Henny C , Blanckenburg F , Russell JM , Bijaksana S , Vogel H , Crowe SA , Kallmeyer J .
A one-million-year isotope record from siderites formed in modern ferruginous sediments.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 2023 ; 135 (1-2): 504 – 522. [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Morlock M , Paskin A , Benning LG , Henny C , Kallmeyer J , Russell JM , Vogel H .
Authigenic minerals reflect microbial control on pore waters in a ferruginous analogue.
GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES LETTERS. 2023 ; 28 20-26. [doi][doi]
Tournier N , Fabbri SC , Anselmetti FS , Cahyarini SY , Bijaksana S , Wattrus N , Russell JM , Vogel H .
Climate-controlled sensitivity of lake sediments to record earthquake-related mass wasting in tropical Lake Towuti during the past 40 kyr.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2023 ; 305 [doi][doi]
Ageli MK , Hamilton PB , Bramburger AJ , Weidman RP , Song Z , Russell J , Bijaksana S , Haffner GD .
Benthic-Pelagic state changes in the primary trophic level of an ancient tropical lake.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2022 ; 594 [doi][doi]
Ulfers A , Hesse K , Zeeden C , Russell J , Vogel H , Bijaksana S , Wonik T .
Cyclostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental inference from downhole logging of sediments in tropical Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2021 ; 65 (4): 377 – 392. [doi][doi]
Sheppard RY , Milliken RE , Russell JM , Sklute EC , Dyar MD , Bijaksana S , Hasberg AKM , Morlock MA .
Iron Mineralogy and Sediment Color in a 100 m Drill Core From Lake Towuti, Indonesia Reflect Catchment and Diagenetic Conditions.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2021 ; 22 (8): [doi][doi]
Morlock MA , Russell JM , Bijaksana S .
Quaternary environmental changes in tropical Lake Towuti, Indonesia, inferred from end-member modelling of X-ray fluorescence core-scanning data.
Journal of Quaternary Science. 2021 ; 36 (6): 1040 – 1051. [doi][doi]
Bauer K , Byrne J , Kenward P , Simister R , Michiels C , Friese A , Vuillemin A , Henny C , Nomosatryo S , Kallmeyer J , Kappler A , Smit M , Francois R , Crowe S .
Magnetite biomineralization in ferruginous waters and early Earth evolution.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2020 ; 549 [doi][doi]
Hamilton R , Stevenson J .
The challenge of the enigmatic tricolporate tropical pollen type: A case study from Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2020 ; 273 [doi][doi]
Russell JM , Bijaksana S , Deino A , Hafidz A , Haffner D , Hasberg AK , Morlock M , Rintelen T , Sheppard R , Stelbrink B , Stevenson J .
The late quaternary tectonic, biogeochemical, and environmental evolution of ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2020 ; 556 [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Friese A , Wirth R , A. Schuessler J , M. Schleicher A , Kemnitz H , Lücke A , W. Bauer K , Nomosatryo S , Von Blanckenburg F , Simister R , G. Ordoñez L , Ariztegui D , Henny C , M. Russell J , Bijaksana S , Vogel H , A. Crowe S , Kallmeyer J .
Vivianite formation in ferruginous sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Biogeosciences. 2020 ; 17 (7): 1955 – 1973. [doi][doi]
Hasberg AKM , Bijaksana S , Held P , Just J , Morlock MA , Opitz S , Russell JM .
Modern sedimentation processes in Lake Towuti, Indonesia, revealed by the composition of surface sediments.
Sedimentology. 2019 ; 66 (2): 675 – 698. [doi][doi]
Andika RB , Triyoso W , Bijaksana S , Hafidz A , Russell JM , Watruss N .
Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake Towuti.
In: Azis M.I., editors. Limited off-set consideration in de-multiple process of seismic Lake Towuti. Institute of Physics Publishing; 2019 . [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Kemnitz H , Friese A , Bauer KW , Simister R , Nomosatryo S , Ordoñez L , Ariztegui D , Henny C , Crowe SA , Benning LG , Kallmeyer J , Russell JM , Bijaksana S , Team TTDPS .
Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sediments.
Geology. 2019 ; 47 (6): 540 – 544. [doi][doi]
Ordoñez L , Sebag D , Ariztegui D , Adatte T , Russell JM , Kallmeyer J , Vuillemin A , Friese A , Crowe SA , Bauer KW , Simister R , Henny C , Nomosatryo S , Bijaksana S .
Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member Analysis.
Organic Geochemistry. 2019 ; 134 32 – 44. [doi][doi]
Morlock MA , Nigg V , Ordoñez L , Hasberg AKM , Russell JM , Bijaksana S .
Climatic and tectonic controls on source-to-sink processes in the tropical, ultramafic catchment of Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2019 ; 61 (3): 279 – 295. [doi][doi]
Sheppard RY , Milliken RE , Russell JM , Dyar MD , Sklute EC , Bijaksana S , Morlock MA , Hasberg AK .
Characterization of Iron in Lake Towuti sediment.
Chemical Geology. 2019 ; 512 11 – 30. [doi][doi]
Kirana KH , Bijaksana S , King J , Tamuntuan GH , Russell J , Ngkoimani LO , Dahrin D , Fajar SJ .
A high-resolution, 60 kyr record of the relative geomagnetic field intensity from Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 2018 ; 275 9 – 18. [doi][doi]
Friese A , Kallmeyer J , Kitte JA , Martínez IM , Bijaksana S , Wagner D .
A simple and inexpensive technique for assessing contamination during drilling operations.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 2017 ; 15 (2): 200 – 211. [doi][doi]
Kallmeyer J .
Contamination Control for Scientific Drilling Operations.
Advances in Applied Microbiology. 2017 ; 98 61 – 91. [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Horn F , Alawi M , Henny C , Wagner D , Crowe SA , Kallmeyer J .
Preservation and significance of extracellular DNA in ferruginous sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017 ; 8 (JUL): [doi][doi]
Wilke T , Van Bocxlaer B , Albrecht C , Ariztegui D , Delicado D , Francke A , Harzhauser M , Hauffe T , Holtvoeth J , Just J , Levkov Z , Penkman K , Sadori L , Skinner A , Stelbrink B , Vogel H , Wesselingh F , Wonik T .
Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: Integrating geological and biological histories.
Global and Planetary Change. 2016 ; 143 118 – 151. [doi][doi]
Vuillemin A , Friese A , Alawi M , Henny C , Nomosatryo S , Wagner D , Crowe SA , Kallmeyer J .
Geomicrobiological features of ferruginous sediments from lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016 ; 7 (JUN): [doi][doi]
Weber AK , Russell JM , Goudge TA , Salvatore MR , Mustard JF , Bijaksana S .
Characterizing clay mineralogy in Lake Towuti, Indonesia, with reflectance spectroscopy.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2015 ; 54 (2-3): 253 – 261. [doi][doi]
Russell JM , Cahyarini SY , Bijaksana S , Wattrus N , Rethemeyer J .
Depositional modes and lake-level variability at Lake Towuti, Indonesia, during the past ~29 kyr BP.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2015 ; 54 (4): 359 – 377. [doi][doi]
Costa K , Russell J , Vogel H , Bijaksana S .
Hydrological connectivity and mixing of Lake Towuti, Indonesia in response to paleoclimatic changes over the last 60,000 years.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2015 ; 417 467 – 475. [doi][doi]
Tamuntuan G , Bijaksana S , King J , Russell J , Fauzi U , Maryunani K , Aufa N , Safiuddin LO .
Variation of magnetic properties in sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia, and its paleoclimatic significance.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2015 ; 420 163 – 172. [doi][doi]
Russell JM , Vogel H , Konecky BL , Bijaksana S , Huang Y , Wattrus N , Costa K , King JW .
Glacial forcing of central Indonesian hydroclimate since 60,000 y B.P..
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014 ; 111 (14): 5100 – 5105. [doi][doi]
Russell J , Bijaksana S .
The Towuti drilling project: Paleoenvironments, biological evolution, and geomicrobiology of a tropical pacific lake.
Scientific Drilling. 2012 ; 21 (14): 68 – 71. [doi][doi]
Schippers A , Köweker G , Höft C , Teichert BM .
Quantification of Microbial Communities in Forearc Sediment Basins off Sumatra.
Geomicrobiology Journal. 2010 ; 27 (2): 170 – 182. [doi][doi]
Tierney JE , Russell JM .
Distributions of branched GDGTs in a tropical lake system: Implications for lacustrine application of the MBT/CBT paleoproxy.
Organic Geochemistry. 2009 ; 40 (9): 1032 – 1036. [doi][doi]