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Project Acronym: BARB | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5047

Reinhardt M , Thiel V , Duda J , Hofmann A , Bajnai D , Goetz W , Pack A , Reitner J , Schanofski M , Schönig J , Whitehouse M , Drake H .
Aspects of the biological carbon cycle in a ca. 3.42-billion-year-old marine ecosystem.
Precambrian Research. 2024 ; 402 [doi][doi]
Pellerin A , Thomazo C , Ader M , Marin-Carbonne J , Alleon J , Vennin E , Hofmann A .
Iron-mediated anaerobic ammonium oxidation recorded in the early Archean ferruginous ocean.
GEOBIOLOGY. 2023 ; 21 (3): 277-289. [doi][doi]
Boyet M , Garçon M , Arndt N , Carlson R , Konc Z .
Residual liquid from deep magma ocean crystallization in the source of komatiites from the ICDP drill core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2021 ; 304 141 – 159. [doi][doi]
Oliveira GJG , Reimold WU , Crósta AP , Hauser N , Koeberl C , Mader D , Schmitt R , Mohr-Westheide T .
Terrestrial and extraterrestrial chemical components of early Archean impact spherule layers from Fairview Gold Mine, northern Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa.
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2021 ; 550 297 – 331. [doi][doi]
Oliveira GJGd , Reimold WU , Crósta AP , Hauser N , Mohr-Westheide T , Tagle R , Galante D , Kaufmann F .
Petrographic characterization of Archaean impact spherule layers from Fairview Gold Mine, northern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
Journal of African Earth Sciences. 2020 ; 162 [doi][doi]
Ledevin M , Arndt N , Chauvel C , Jaillard E , Simionovici A .
The sedimentary origin of black and white banded cherts of the Buck Reef, Barberton, South Africa.
Geosciences (Switzerland). 2019 ; 9 (10): [doi][doi]
Avice G , Marty B , Burgess R , Hofmann A , Philippot P , Zahnle K , Zakharov D .
Evolution of atmospheric xenon and other noble gases inferred from Archean to Paleoproterozoic rocks.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2018 ; 232 82 – 100. [doi][doi]
Mohr-Westheide T , Greshake A , Wirth R , Reimold W .
Transmission electron microscopy of impact-generated platinum group element alloys from Barberton spherule layers: New clues to their formation.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2018 ; 53 (7): 1516 – 1536. [doi][doi]
Garçon M , Carlson R , Shirey S , Arndt N , Horan M , Mock T .
Erosion of Archean continents: The Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic record of Barberton sedimentary rocks.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2017 ; 206 216 – 235. [doi][doi]
Schulz T , Koeberl C , Luguet A , Acken D , Mohr-Westheide T , Ozdemir S , Reimold WU .
New constraints on the Paleoarchean meteorite bombardment of the Earth – Geochemistry and Re-Os isotope signatures of spherule layers in the BARB5 ICDP drill core from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2017 ; 211 322 – 340. [doi][doi]
Galić A , Mason PR , Mogollón JM , Wolthers M , Vroon PZ , Whitehouse MJ .
Pyrite in a sulfate-poor Paleoarchean basin was derived predominantly from elemental sulfur: Evidence from 3.2 Ga sediments in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, Kaapvaal Craton.
Chemical Geology. 2017 ; 449 135 – 146. [doi][doi]
Avice G , Marty B , Burgess R .
The origin and degassing history of the Earth's atmosphere revealed by Archean xenon.
Nature Communications. 2017 ; 8 [doi][doi]
Montinaro A , Strauss H .
Sulphur tales from the early Archean world.
International Journal of Astrobiology. 2016 ; 15 (3): 177 – 185. [doi][doi]
Farber K , Dziggel A , Meyer F , Harris C .
Petrology, geochemistry and fluid inclusion analysis of altered komatiites of the Mendon Formation in the BARB4 drill core, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa.
South African Journal of Geology. 2016 ; 119 (4): 639 – 654. [doi][doi]
Fritz J , Tagle R , Ashworth L , Schmitt RT , Hofmann A , Luais B , Harris PD , Hoehnel D , Ozdemir S , Mohr-Westheide T , Koeberl C .
Nondestructive spectroscopic and petrochemical investigations of Paleoarchean spherule layers from the ICDP drill core BARB5, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2016 ; 51 (12): 2441 – 2458. [doi][doi]
Farber K , Dziggel A , Meyer FM , Prochaska W , Hofmann A , Harris C .
Fluid inclusion analysis of silicified Palaeoarchaean oceanic crust - A record of Archaean seawater?.
Precambrian Research. 2015 ; 266 150 – 164. [doi][doi]
Blichert-Toft J , Arndt NT , Wilson A , Coetzee G .
Hf and Nd isotope systematics of early Archean komatiites from surface sampling and ICDP drilling in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
American Mineralogist. 2015 ; 100 (11-12): 2396 – 2411. [doi][doi]
Montinaro A , Strauss H , Mason PR , Roerdink D , Münker C , Schwarz-Schampera U , Arndt NT , Farquhar J , Beukes NJ , Gutzmer J , Peters M .
Paleoarchean sulfur cycling: Multiple sulfur isotope constraints from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
Precambrian Research. 2015 ; 267 311 – 322. [doi][doi]
Koeberl C , Schulz T , Reimold WU .
Remnants of early Archean impact deposits on earth: Search for a meteoritic component in the BARB5 and CT3 drill cores (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa).
In: Schonberg W.P., editors. Remnants of early Archean impact deposits on earth: Search for a meteoritic component in the BARB5 and CT3 drill cores (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa). Elsevier Ltd; 2015 . p. 310 – 317. [doi][doi]
Ledevin M , Arndt N , Davaille A , Ledevin R , Simionovici A .
The rheological behaviour of fracture-filling cherts: Example of Barite Valley dikes, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
Solid Earth. 2015 ; 6 (1): 253 – 269. [doi][doi]
Farber K , Dziggel A , Trumbull RB , Meyer FM , Wiedenbeck M .
Tourmaline B-isotopes as tracers of fluid sources in silicified Palaeoarchaean oceanic crust of the Mendon Formation, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa.
Chemical Geology. 2015 ; 417 134 – 147. [doi][doi]
Puchtel IS .
When was the Earth's conveyor belt set in motion?.
American Mineralogist. 2015 ; 100 (11-12): 2369 – 2370. [doi][doi]
Grosch EG , McLoughlin N .
Paleoarchean sulfur cycle and biogeochemical surface conditions on the early Earth, Barberton, South Africa.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2013 ; 377-378 142 – 154. [doi][doi]
Heubeck C , Engelhardt J , Byerly GR , Zeh A , Sell B , Luber T , Lowe DR .
Timing of deposition and deformation of the Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa): Very-high-resolution of Archaean surface processes.
Precambrian Research. 2013 ; 231 236 – 262. [doi][doi]
Robin-Popieul CC , Arndt NT , Chauvel C , Byerly GR , Sobolev AV , Wilson A .
A new model for barberton komatiites: Deep critical melting with high melt retention.
Journal of Petrology. 2012 ; 53 (11): 2191 – 2229. [doi][doi]
News and Views.
2012 ; 13 65-71. [doi][doi]

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