The Lake Junín Drilling Project
Project Acronym: JUNIN | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5056
Lake Junín, located at 4000 m asl in the inner-tropics of the Southern Hemisphere, is a scientifically well-studied lake. Therefore it is a prime target for drilling.
The lake contains a thick (>125 m) sediment package deposited at a high rate (0.2 to 1.0 mm yr-1). Lake Junín is one of the few lakes in the tropical Andes that predates the maximum extent of glaciation and is in a geomorphic position to record the waxing and waning of glaciers in nearby cordillera. Lake Junín is a scientifically mature site that will yield critical scientific insights that only drilling coupled with analysis by a select international team of scientists can unlock.
Keywords: South America, Peru, Lake Junin, Carbonate Lakes, D18O, Lake Drilling, Tropical Climate Change
Cores are stored at University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, Continental Scientific Drilling Facility, USA
Project Management
Project Details
Project Location
Project Timeline
30 July - 14 August 2015
Full Proposal Approved
Workshop Held
15 - 17 June 2011 in Tarma, Peru