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JET Publications

Publications by PIs, Search keywords "jurassic and stratigraphy...."

This list of publications is just a draft. This selection does not reflect the complete  scientific outcome of the ICDP JET drilling project. Rather it shows some prior works of the project Principal Investigators (PIs), and therefore may also include older publications about  related locations and topics.


Hesselbo SP , Al-Suwaidi A , Baker SJ , Ballabio G , Belcher CM , Bond A , Boomer I , Bos R , Bjerrum CJ , Bogus K , Boyle R , Browning JV , Butcher AR , Condon DJ , Copestake P , Daines S , Dalby C , Damaschke M , Damborenea SE , Deconinck J , Dickson AJ , Fendley IM , Fox CP , Fraguas A , Frieling J , Gibson TA , He T , Hickey K , Hinnov LA , Hollaar TP , Huang C , Hudson AJL , Jenkyns HC , Idiz E , Jiang M , Krijgsman W , Korte C , Leng MJ , Lenton TM , Leu K , Little CTS , MacNiocaill C , Mance\~nido MO , Mather TA , Mattioli E , Miller KG , Newton RJ , Page KN , P\'alfy J , Pie\'nkowski G , Porter RJ , Poulton SW , Riccardi AC , Riding JB , Roper A , Ruhl M , Silva RL , Storm MS , Suan G , Szűcs D , Thibault N , Uchman A , Stanley JN , Ullmann CV , Schootbrugge B , Vickers ML , Wadas S , Whiteside JH , Wignall PB , Wonik T , Xu W , Zeeden C , Zhao K .
Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic.
Scientific Drilling. 2023 ; 32 1--25. [doi][doi]
Ullmann CV , Szűcs D , Jiang M , Hudson AJ , Hesselbo SP .
Geochemistry of macrofossil, bulk rock and secondary calcite in the Early Jurassic strata of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) drill core, Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales, UK.
Journal of the Geological Society. 2022 ; 179 (1): [doi][doi]
Xu W , Ruhl M , Jenkyns HC , Huggett JM , Minisini D , Ullmann CV , Riding JB , Weijers JW , Storm MS , Percival LM , Idiz EF , Tegelaar EW , Hesselbo SP .
Evolution of the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) carbon-cycle and global climatic controls on local sedimentary processes (Cardigan Bay Basin, UK).
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2018 ; 484 396 – 411. [doi][doi]
Xu W , Niocaill CM , Ruhl M , Jenkyns HC , Riding JB , Hesselbo SP .
Magnetostratigraphy of the Toarcian Stage (Lower Jurassic) of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole, Wales: Basis foraglobal standard and implications for volcanic forcing of palaeoenvironmental change.
Journal of the Geological Society. 2018 ; 175 (4): 594 – 604. [doi][doi]
Powell JH , Riding JB .
Stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Jurassic (Callovian to Lower Oxfordian) succession at Castle Hill, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK.
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 2016 ; 61 (2): 109 – 133. [doi][doi]
Suan G , Föllmi KB , Adatte T , Bomou B , Spangenberg JE , Schootbrugge B .
Major environmental change and bonebed genesis prior to the triassic-jurassic mass extinction.
Journal of the Geological Society. 2012 ; 169 (2): 191 – 200. [doi][doi]
Korte C , Hesselbo SP .
Shallow marine carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental records indicate icehouse-greenhouse cycles during the Early Jurassic.
Paleoceanography. 2011 ; 26 (4): [doi][doi]
Huang C , Hesselbo SP .
Astrochronology of the late Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay (Dorset, England) and implications for Earth system processes.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2010 ; 289 (1-2): 242 – 255. [doi][doi]
Korte C , Hesselbo SP , Jenkyns HC , Rickaby RE , Spötl C .
Palaeoenvironmental significance of carbon- and oxygen-isotope stratigraphy of marine Triassic-Jurassic boundary sections in SW Britain.
Journal of the Geological Society. 2009 ; 166 (3): 431 – 445. [doi][doi]
Hesselbo SP .
Sequence stratigraphy and inferred relative sea-level change from the onshore British Jurassic.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 2008 ; 119 (1): 19 – 34. [doi][doi]