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Project Acronym: DAFSAM | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5019

Heesakkers V , Murphy S , Reches Z .
Earthquake Rupture at Focal Depth, Part I: Structure and Rupture of the Pretorius Fault, TauTona Mine, South Africa.
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 2011 ; 168 (12): 2395-2425. [doi][doi]
Lippmann-Pipke J , Erzinger J , Zimmer M , Kujawa C , Boettcher M , Heerden E , Bester A , Moller H , Stroncik N , Reches Z .
Geogas transport in fractured hard rock - Correlations with mining seismicity at 3.54km depth, TauTona gold mine, South Africa.
Applied Geochemistry. 2011 ; 26 (12): 2134-2146. [doi][doi]
Lippmann-Pipke J , Sherwood Lollar B , Niedermann S , Stroncik N , Naumann R , Heerden E , Onstott T .
Neon identifies two billion year old fluid component in Kaapvaal Craton.
Chemical Geology. 2011 ; 283 (3-4): 287-296. [doi][doi]
McGarr A , Boettcher M , Fletcher J , Sell R , Johnston M , Durrheim R , Spottiswoode S , Milev A .
Broadband records of earthquakes in deep gold mines and a comparison with results from SAFOD, California.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 2009 ; 99 (5): 2815-2824. [doi][doi]
Boettcher M , McGarr A , Johnston M .
Extension of Gutenberg-Richter distribution to Mw -1.3, no lower limit in sight.
Geophysical Research Letters. 2009 ; 36 (10): L10307. [doi][doi]
Lucier A , Zoback M , Heesakkers V , Reches Z .
Constraining the far-field in situ stress state near a deep south african gold mine.
In: Lucier A , Zoback M , Heesakkers V , Reches Z . Constraining the far-field in situ stress state near a deep south african gold mine. 2008 .
Slater G , Lippmann-Pipke J , Moser D , Reddy C , Onstott T , Lacrampe-Couloume G , Lollar B .
14c in methane and dic in the deep terrestrial subsurface: implications for microbial methanogenesis.
Geomicrobiology Journal. 2006 ; 23 (6): 453-462. [doi][doi]
Reches Z .
Building a natural earthquake laboratory at focal depth (DAFSAM-NELSAM project, South Africa).
Scientific Drilling. 2006 ; 1 (3): 30-33. [doi][doi]
Lin L , Wang P , Rumble D , Lippmann-Pipke J , Boice E , Pratt L , Lollar B , Brodie E , Hazen T , Andersen G , DeSantis T , Moser D , Kershaw D , Onstott T .
Long-term sustainability of a high-energy, low-diweniff crystal-biome.
Science. 2006 ; 314 (5798): 479-482. [doi][doi]
Onstott T , Lin L , Davidson M , Mislowack B , Borcsik M , Hall J , Slater G , Ward J , Sherwoodlollar B , Lippmann-Pipke J , Boice E , Pratt L , Pfiffner S , Moser D , Gihring T , Kieft T , Phelps T , Vanheerden E , Litthaur D , DeFlaun M , Rothmel R , Wanger G , Southam G .
The origin and age of biogeochemical trends in deep fracture water of the witwatersrand basin, south africa.
Geomicrobiology Journal. 2006 ; 23 (6): 369-414. [doi][doi]
Wilson B , Dewers T , Reches Z , Brune J .
Particle size and energetics of gouge from earthquake rupture zones.
Nature. 2005 ; 434 (7034): 749-752. [doi][doi]
Lin L , Hall J , Lippmann-Pipke J , Ward J , Lollar B , DeFlaun M , Rothmel R , Moser D , Gihring T , Mislowack B , Onstott T .
Radiolytic H2 in continental crust: Nuclear power for deep subsurface microbial communities.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2005 ; 6 (7): [doi][doi]