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Project Acronym: PVOLC | State: Drilling Preparation

Jones M , Stokke E , Planke S , Augland L , Svensen H , Tegner C , Sluijs A , Frieling J , Mather T , Huismans R .
Coring of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in Denmark: ICDP Project PVOLC.
In: Jones M , Stokke E , Planke S , Augland L , Svensen H , Tegner C , Sluijs A , Frieling J , Mather T , Huismans R . EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2021 . p. EGU21--15570.
Planke S , Huismans R , Gernigon L , Buenz S , Faleide JI , Jones MT , Svensen HH , Jerram DA , Millett JM , others  .
Mid-Norwegian continental margin magmatism and Paleogene global climate change: An overview of the upcoming International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 396.
In: Planke S , Huismans R , Gernigon L , Buenz S , Faleide JI , Jones MT , Svensen HH , Jerram DA , Millett JM , others  . EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2021 . p. EGU21--15114.
Berndt C , Planke S , Teagle D , Huismans R , Torsvik T , Frieling J , Jones M , Jerram D , Tegner C , Inge Faleide J , Coxall H , Hong W .
Northeast Atlantic breakup volcanism and consequences for Paleogene climate change-MagellanPlus Workshop report.
Scientific Drilling. 2019 ; 26 69-85. [doi][doi]