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Project Acronym: LVEW | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5024

ins.: 2022-11-04 12:50; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: Long Valley

Long Valley LVEW: 1998-12-09

The 1998 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union
ICDP-OSG staff members Ronald Conze and Frank Krysiak (standing) conferred, with the Long Valley on-site science crew (from left, John Sass, Polly, Sackett, Angie Roach, and Vicki McConnell) on plans for follow-up science, and publication of on-site data.

The 1998 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union featured reports, on the drilling by the Sandia engineering staff and on on-site science and, preliminary findings by the science staff and some PI's. A planning, meeting was also held to discuss future work at the site, which involves, primarily converting it to a volcano hazards observatory. Future plans, include, and a preliminary lithologic log (January 31, 1999); A workshop on borehole, monitoring instrumentation (February, 1999); A science workshop in Mammoth, Lakes, CA,(June,1999) to present and share preliminary results, and to plan, a special session for the Fall1999 AGU meeting. A core-request protocol, will be established following publication of the Lithology/core-image CD.