Daily News
Project Acronym: LVEW | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5024
ins.: 2022-11-04 12:50; ( Age: 2 yrs )
Long Valley
Long Valley LVEW: 1998-12-09
The 1998 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union
The 1998 Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union featured reports, on the drilling by the Sandia engineering staff and on on-site science and, preliminary findings by the science staff and some PI's. A planning, meeting was also held to discuss future work at the site, which involves, primarily converting it to a volcano hazards observatory. Future plans, include, and a preliminary lithologic log (January 31, 1999); A workshop on borehole, monitoring instrumentation (February, 1999); A science workshop in Mammoth, Lakes, CA,(June,1999) to present and share preliminary results, and to plan, a special session for the Fall1999 AGU meeting. A core-request protocol, will be established following publication of the Lithology/core-image CD.
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