Daily News
Project Acronym: KOYNA | State: Post Moratorium | Expedition ID: 5058
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- (inserted: 30.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-30 ˇ
Continued R/I to 2878 m.
Continued R/I to 2878 m. R/I stopped due to problem in hydraulic feed pump. Troubleshooting is in progress. Work hampered due to heavy rain. - (inserted: 29.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-29 ˇ
Completed pull out. Broke off core barrel. Core recovered is ...
Completed pull out. Broke off core barrel. Core recovered is 3.2 m. Started R/I again with core bit and core barrel. - (inserted: 28.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-28 ˇ
During coring operation at 2912 m observed that inner barrel ...
During coring operation at 2912 m observed that inner barrel not catching the core even after repeated trials. Decided to pull out the core bit and core barrel. - (inserted: 27.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-27 ˇ
Completed R/I up to 2908.5 m.
Completed R/I up to 2908.5 m. Started coring from 2908.5 m. - (inserted: 26.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-26 ˇ
Pull out is in progress. Work halted due to problem ...
Pull out is in progress. Work halted due to problem with rough neck. Rectified the problem and started pull out. Completed pull out. R/I started with core bit and core barrel. - (inserted: 25.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-25 ˇ
Pull out is in progress.
Pull out is in progress. - (inserted: 24.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-24 ˇ
Continued reaming from 2837 m to 2908.5 m. Reached bottom ...
Continued reaming from 2837 m to 2908.5 m. Reached bottom and pumped high viscosity mud. Circulation continued prior to pull out. Pull out is in progress. - (inserted: 23.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-23 ˇ
Completed reaming up to 2795 m. Decided to make a ...
Completed reaming up to 2795 m. Decided to make a short trip of 200 m to check the stability of borehole. Completed trip in and trip out of 200 m. Continued reaming 2795 to 2837m. - (inserted: 22.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-22 ˇ
R/I up to 2664 m.
R/I up to 2664 m. Started reaming from 2664 m to 2757 m. Further reaming is in progress. - (inserted: 21.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-21 ˇ
Completed pull out. Broke off bit and stabilizer and found ...
Completed pull out. Broke off bit and stabilizer and found out that stabilizer is worn out badly. Decided to start R/I with core bit and only outer core barrel. R/I started. - (inserted: 20.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-20 ˇ
Reaming beyond 2745 m is not possible. So, decided to
Reaming beyond 2745 m is not possible. So, decided to pull out to check the TCR bit and stabilizer. - (inserted: 19.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-19 ˇ
Continued R/I from 943 to 2659 m.
Continued R/I from 943 to 2659 m. Further R/I is in progress with reaming. - (inserted: 18.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-18 ˇ
R/I started with TCR bit and junk basket up to
R/I started with TCR bit and junk basket up to a depth of 943 m. Further R/I is in progress. - (inserted: 17.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-17 ˇ
KFD1 current depth is 2898.90 m. Pull out is in
KFD1 current depth is 2898.90 m. Pull out is in progress to start coring. - (inserted: 15.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-15 ˇ
R/I started for air hammer drilling.
R/I started for air hammer drilling. - (inserted: 14.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-14 ˇ
Completed coring and pull out of core barrel and core
Completed coring and pull out of core barrel and core bit is in progress. - (inserted: 10.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-10 ˇ
Completed pull out and arrangements are going on for next
Completed pull out and arrangements are going on for next coring. - (inserted: 08.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-08 ˇ
Completed coring from 2652.50 to 2661.7 meters. Pull out is
Completed coring from 2652.50 to 2661.7 meters. Pull out is in progress. - (inserted: 07.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-07 ˇ
R/I with coring bit and core barrel.
R/I with coring bit and core barrel. - (inserted: 04.05.2017 02:00)
Koyna: 2017-05-04 ˇ
R/I is continuing along with reaming from 2336 m onwards.
R/I is continuing along with reaming from 2336 m onwards.