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Project Acronym: PASADO | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5022

ins.: 2009-10-15 02:00; ( Age: 15 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: PotrokAike_

PotrokAike: 2009-10-15

Hurray and three cheers for the sampling crew! Today the ...
Today the last set of samples taken with 2 cm increments was recovered from the 107 m long PASADO composite profile.

Hurray and three cheers for the sampling crew! Today the last set of samples taken with 2 cm increments was recovered from the 107 m long PASADO composite profile. During this enormous effort a total of 35,217 individual samples for various bioproxies, stable isotopes as well as for geochemistry and physical properties was secured, labeled and stored away.