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Project Acronym: JUNIN | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5056

ins.: 2015-08-16 02:00; ( Age: 9 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: Junin_

Junin: 2015-08-16

Greetings from Lake Chinchaycocha! This week, after finishing Site #1 ...
After finishing Site #1 in the deeper part of the lake, sediment cores are extracted now at two sites closer to the eastern shoreline: Site #2 to 50 m, and Site #3 to 20 m of sediment depth (Photo/Post credits: C.Y. Chen)

Greetings from Lake Chinchaycocha! This week, after finishing Site #1 in the deeper part of the lake, we began extracting sediment core at two sites closer to the eastern shoreline (Site #2 and Site #3). We cored down to 20 meters at Site #2 and 50 meters at Site #3, running into sand at the base of both sites. Work continues today to finish up the last hole at Site #3! Here is a panorama of the day shift hard at work on the barge. Photo and post: Christine Y. Chen Saludos desde el Lago Chinchaycocha! Esta semana, despues de haber finalizado la extracción de sedimento en la zona #1, iniciamos la extracción de testigos de sedimento en dos zonas cercanas a la orilla este del lago (zonas #2 y #3). En la zona #2 se obtuvieron 20 metros y en la zona #3 colectamos 50 metros. En ambas zonas llegamos hasta un area en la cual existen arenillas. El trabajo continuará hoy hasta terminar el último hoyo en la zona #3. Aqui les dejamos una foto panorámica del turno que trabaja en durante la mañana.