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Project Acronym: EIFEL| State: Workshop Announced

ICDP Workshop EIFEL: Follow the CO2 - Drilling into an actively degassing intraplate volcano underlain by a silicic-carbonatitic intrusion

04.- 6. Dec 2023 in Bad Honnef, Germany

With this ICDP workshop we aim to harness enthusiasm for collaborative research to further develop and refine ideas on continental distributed volcanism, its geodynamic relevance, as well as hazard and resource potential in line with ICDP themes. We see high potential for a successful workshop that will gather ideas on how to maximize the scientific gains from drilling into a magmatic-hydrothermal system of a dynamic yet safely accessible volcano.

The Eifel region, Germany, hosts hundreds of distributed volcanoes of Quaternary age in an intracontinental setting and is renowned as the type locality of maar volcanism. Drilling in the Laacher See region in the eastern part of the Eifel has the potential to enhance our knowledge on distributed volcanic fields, which are characterized by irregular eruptive recurrence over protracted durations of activity, and specific hazards resulting from high CO2 fluxes from the mantle to the surface. In addition, silicic-carbonatitic magma systems such as the Laacher See are globally recognized as major hosts for critical metal deposits.

To apply, please send a max. 1-page statement of interest in the workshop to this link by 31.August 2023. Early career scientists are strongly encouraged to apply.