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Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys

Project Acronym: DOVE | State: Operational Phase | Expedition ID: 5068

Formerly-glaciated areas are often characterized by deeply incised structures, often filled by Quaternary deposits. These buried troughs and valleys were formed by glacial overdeepening, likely caused by pressurized subglacial meltwater below warm-based glaciers. The overarching goal will be to date the age and extent of past glaciations. Results of this drilling campaign, supported by new dating technologies, will further provide critical data on 'how' and 'at which rate' glacial erosion affects such mountain ranges and their foreland. These processes are also of fundamental importance for evaluating the safety of radioactive waste disposal sites, which are planned in areas of former glaciations.

Keywords: Europe, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, European Alps, Glacial-interglacial Cycles, Landscape Evolution, Paleoclimate, Water

Project Details

Project Location

Project Timeline

Sampling Party

@ Katja: check the dates please

Drilling Site 2 - Basadingen

25 May - 12 October 2021

Drilling Site 1 - Tannwald

12 April - 11 November 2021

Full Proposal Approved

First Full Proposal Submitted

Workshop Held

3-5 April 2013 in Como and Valtellina, Italy

Workshop Proposal Approved

News (random): DOVE: 2021-10-19

We are still drilling through sand at a depth

Click on news headline for details.
We are still drilling through sand at a depth of 80 m and there is yet no sign of the expected fine basin sediments. Sometimes because of the sand the liner gets stuck in the casing and up to 3 people are needed to pull it out