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Daily News from the DIVE Drilling Project

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  • (inserted: 26.10.2023 09:47)
    DIVE: 2023-10-24

    Drilling through the sedimentary cover started today at 5071_1_A (DT-1a; Megolo) and the first 3 m...

    Drilling through the sedimentary cover started today at 5071_1_A (DT-1a; Megolo) and the first 3 m of sediments were recovered. While waiting for the drill bit to touch the crystalline basement and the first rock core to be on deck, DIVE site managers are already on site for the preparation of scientific activities. Other members of the science team are eager to leave for Megolo and ready to work on the so awaited cores!

  • (inserted: 28.03.2023 10:13)
    DIVE: 2023-03-13

    All cores of DIVE borehole 1B are now in the national core repository for continental drill cores...

    All cores of DIVE borehole 1B are now in the national core repository for continental drill cores in Berlin-Spandau (GER) where a preliminary sampling party for PhD and post-doc research tightly related to DIVE has taken place recently. After some initial hurdles, our routine could be established: XRF and MSCL scans were performed on all cores that have subsequently been sampled. The smallest sample taken was ca. 250 g, the largest more than 9 kg (!). It will be returned. We look forward to the forthcoming results.

  • (inserted: 21.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-20

    The end of on-site activities in welcoming Ornavasso. See you in 2023.

    This is the end! The end of on-site activities in welcoming Ornavasso, and the upper end of the borehole on the photo: it is now sealed for a few weeks until a longer-term solution is installed. HUGE THANKS to everyone who has worked and helped on site!!! See you in 2023.

  • (inserted: 19.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-19

    DIVE has completed logging and cleared the science part of site 5071_1B

    DIVE has completed logging and cleared the science part of site 5071_1B by Sunday December 18th. It then required a local heavyweight roadshow to pick up a single GFZ-container today. The entertainment was free of charge for innocent observers. The borehole will be properly sealed for the coming weeks, until site restoration early next year.

  • (inserted: 15.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-15

    Snowing and Logging at DIVE borehole 5071_1_B

    Snowy logging today. Succesful OTV in the bottom part of the hole, the gamma tool did not work properly. A few more days to go, VSP is next on the program.

  • (inserted: 13.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-13

    Logging borehole 5071_1_B in Ornavasso has started

    Logging and blogging. These are the remaining two activities at site 5071_1_B. The borehole is now fully accessible and logging has started, with the plan to finish all the program by Sunday, with active participation of ICDP-OSG, MU Leoben, Uni Lausanne, and several other university partners.

  • (inserted: 10.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-10

    The DIVE drilling target 5071_1_B in Ornavasso has finished drilling activities

    Today the DIVE drilling target 5071_1_B in Ornavasso has finished the drilling activities, and the borehole has reached 578.7 metres depth below surface. The final images of the day show the bottom of the last core, ongoing packing, and the great finisher team on site!

  • (inserted: 09.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-09

    Ultimate reinsertion of rods

    After the ultimate reinsertion of rods, the last run of efforts are ongoing to drill, currently at 575 m depth. Brittle deformations seem to draw a big arrow on this particular core, showing large sulphide crystals inside. Preparation for the winter hibernation continued while snow started to cover the site.

  • (inserted: 08.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-08

    Borehole still kindly provides us quite some rock-type variability

    From about 560 m depth, the borehole still kindly provides us quite some rock-type variability! At the surface, the seismics while drilling experiment is nearing its end, preparation for final logging has started, and temperatures plummeted below freezing point.

  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-07

    Drilling reached 549.3 m depth by the end of the day

    Most of the fluid that came out over the logging week-end has now been used again and reinjected to the hole during drilling, reaching 549.3 m depth by the end of the day. An important decision has been taken: due to the structural context, it has been decided that drilling hole 5051_1_B will be stopped before the end of this week. The results are satisfactory and no major progress can be expected from here on.

  • (inserted: 06.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-06

    Fixing the wireline winch at current borehole depth of 522.4 m

    A new tramway line to the drilling site? No, just fixing the wireline winch. The 200th core was extracted, and some euhedral sulphide crystals found inside a fracture. Current borehole depth is 522.4 m.

  • (inserted: 05.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-05

    Special lecture by Andrew Greenwood for interested high-school students

    New week, new crews: while re-insertion of the rods into the borehole began, the joint interpretation of logs and core scans has been completed. A strategy meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. In the meanwhile, 25 interested high-school students visited the site and benefited from a special lecture by Andrew Greenwood (see photo).

  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-04

    A second optical televiewer logging session today has revealed

    A second optical televiewer logging session today has revealed a bit more of the borehole walls than on Thursday, the images are being picked and merged with previous datasets. We also sampled the fluids under (but separately from) the persisting rain, and collected a good amount of the rising gas bubbles (see photo). Drilling should resume tomorrow.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-02

    A quiet day on site spent mostly with data

    A quiet day on site, spent mostly with data processing and analysis, storing the outflowing fluid, and tidying the compound. All data seem to point to steeply dipping foliation, a joint interpretation is in preparation to put everything in perspective. On this note, the photo shows our DT-1b site from – 200 m depth.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-12-01

    A beautiful sunny December morning has seen a lot

    A beautiful, sunny December morning has seen a lot of pipes come out of the hole in preparation for logging. As the Sun has set behind the mountains at 13h, the logging lab has started to be installed. By the late evening a successful optical and acoustic televiewer logging has nicely imaged the bottom 60 m, respectively 250 m, of the borehole. Credits go to Andrew, Ludovic, good preparation, and our new winch.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-30

    The crossing of the 500 m depth level has

    The crossing of the 500 m depth level has been celebrated in the early afternoon, when the 6th core out of today's 7 has seen light. The pulling ability of the rig is now fully functional. The current bottom depth is 504.3 m, drilling resumes on Monday. Until then, a geophysical logging program is on the agenda, to evaluate the position of the borehole with respect to the geological structure more precisely.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-29

    Efforts continued overnight and all day to fix the

    Efforts continued overnight and all day to fix the presumably last bug of the new rig. When it drills, cores are produced very quickly, but pulling remains irregular. Six cores produced in the past 24 hours, reaching 483 m depth. Today has seen several visitors on site, in particular the CEO and chief geologist of the drilling company, all in a positive atmosphere.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-28

    The day plan included a rapid change of rigs

    The day plan included a rapid change of rigs, which ended up taking the whole day. Nevertheless, the new, strong and blue PSM-16GT rig became operational in the late evening, and a night-shift crew left from the side of their beds to pick up work and hopefully new cores, restarting from 465.4 m depth.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-25

    After loss of circulation and sudden stop of rods

    After loss of circulation and sudden stop of rods in the morning, the drilling could continue and went beyond 450 metre depth. The evening has brought full-house attendance at the local town hall meeting, in the cinema/theatre room, with 1.5 hours of presentations followed by a Q&A session.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-24

    Another drill bit got worn down and required changing

    Another drill bit got worn down and required changing, see the very clear photo comparing the old and new bits. Changeover takes quite some time at 438.8 m depth. We hope the new bit will last at least as long as the previous ones.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-23

    After 7 weeks of drilling core box number 100

    After 7 weeks of drilling, core-box number 100 was filled with cores, and the hole reached 429.5 m depth. Large leucocratic layers were observable on most cores. The site is now fully restored after yesterday's storm. A public event in the village Ornavasso that is hosting the drill site will take place Friday evening.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-22

    Soon after breaking the 400 metre depth line this

    Soon after breaking the 400-metre-depth line this morning, wind gusts attacked the drillsite and overturned every tent and gazebo, dismantled the fences and more. Thanks to a major effort of the on-site team, everything was reconstructed by the evening. In the meanwhile the drillers have produced at least 12 metres of fresh core, quality-wise similar to yesterday.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-21

    The week end has seen the arrival of the

    The week-end has seen the arrival of the microbiology microscope, verified by looking at the tracer. The hunt for microbial activity traces can start for good! Today coring is back on track, with a beautiful, straight, continuous 3-m-long HQ core extracted from 390 m depth, sampling a sharp metapelite–amphibolite contact.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-18

    Binary file standard input matches Today's picture The Lost

    Binary file (standard input) matches Today's picture, ""The Lost Catcher and the Old Bit"", turned out to be a shorter story than ""The Old Man and the Sea"", but for DIVE it was still an award-winning event as drilling could then continue and reach 372.4 m depth.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-17

    Not every day brings good surprises Today the core

    Not every day brings good surprises. Today the core catcher broke (see on the left of the photo). Most of it could be pulled out, but a piece remained at the bottom of the hole (similar to what is highlighted with the arrow on the right). Hopefully it will be still attached to the piece of core lost during the recovery.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-16

    At about 350 m current depth and 20 25

    At about 350 m current depth, and 20-25 km paleo-depth, surprises come in the form of cavities like this finger-size, crystal-padded niche. Microbes may like to live here! (Spoiler
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-14

    We past 300 m depth with a borehole deviation

    We past 300 m depth with a borehole deviation of less than 1.5° from vertical, which is well within the wished tolerance. After a logging session over the weekend, we resumed drilling and changed from PQ to HQ diameter. Using HQ, we collected 15 m of cores in a single day shift. The foliation we observe now is at an angle from vertical.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-11

    Today the 300 m line was passed still using

    Today the 300 m line was passed still using PQ. This will allow the broadband seismometer to sit there comfortable in the future. During the weekend logging will now take place before we resume drilling using a smaller, HQ, diameter. -we'll know better after this week-end's logging where we are structurally, indeed in the recent days many cores showed axis parallel foliation, which we don't want to see for too long -after the logging, drilling will continue with HQ and hopefully speed up a bit -there have been interesting mineralogical news, graphite, some sulphides, and very nice ductile deformation features
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-06

    No drilling shifts on Saturday night or Sunday.

    No drilling shifts on Saturday night or Sunday but we have plotted the first 180m of Magnetic Susceptibility data recorded at 10cm intervals along the core. After (core-diameter) volumetric corrections we can clearly see some lithologic changes and localised anomalies.

  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-11-04

    Core bit n 7 is performing well with another

    Core bit n.7 is performing well with another great 24hrs of drilling and 24m of core recovered. Now at core number 110. We also have intersected graphite.
  • (inserted: 07.12.2022 13:10)
    DIVE: 2022-10-26

    Currently passed 160 m with trials of different drill

    Currently passed 160 m with trials of different drill bits continuing. The softer matrix of the bits exposes new diamonds more regularly, but at the expense of higher bit wear.A fine balance needs to be found. Photo of Bit # 3
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-20

    A bigger rig has arrived Il piccolo carro di

    A bigger rig has arrived. Il piccolo carro di perforazione has left site and il medio carro di perforazione has arrived. A new diamond drill bit will be put the test in the hope of getting a better RoP in this very hard rock, and we also cased off the upper section of the borehole 3m during the change over. Fingers crossed no more obstacles ahead.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-19

    We have reached our first 100m with the best

    We have reached our first 100m with the best production day to date. And, the bigger rig arrives tomorrow with more crew and double shifts starting soon.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-18

    Another week of drilling and a new set of

    Another week of drilling and a new set of young geologist on site to help. We are itching to break the first 100m, but things are still slow. Trial and error with different drill bits to try and beet this extremely hard, but beautiful, rock,continues.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-09

    Another couple of big days for the DIVErs Only

    Another couple of big days for the DIVErs. Only a half day of drilling on Saturday, but we are now at 20.7m with over 95% core recovery from 0.0m. The core is amazingly competent with near 100 % RQD. Going slow with the RoP to ensure absolute verticality for the future borehole seismometer c.a. 300m. ICDP Scientists Katja Heeschen and Thomas Wiersberg are on site helping with mDIS, core scanning, and setting up the online gas monitoring (OLGA) system. ISTere Grenoble are ready to go with the OLGA support. The science offices are still evolving and we expect to have lots more core images, and analysis in the next days.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-05

    The collar coring rig is in a Vertical position

    The collar coring rig is in a Vertical position ready to start turning rods tomorrow. The Science containers, have finaly arrived and we can start setting up the analysis instruments/spaces. First core almost here.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-10-03

    The small pre collar and casing rig has arrived

    The small, pre collar and casing rig, has arrived. It is capable of drilling the first 100m @ SQ 146mm diameter (and more). The larger rig will arrive before we swap to PQ.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-09-29

    Drillers are progressing with the site set up and

    Drillers are progressing with the site set up, and expecting the first (casing) drill rig tomorrow. Exciting. SWD seismic while drilling sensor are mostly deployed with all the hard work done. We will be monitoring every foot step. 3 geophones permanently encased in concrete within the collar well.
  • (inserted: 21.10.2022 16:43)
    DIVE: 2022-09-25

    5071 1 B site work started last week Fisheye

    5071-1-B site work started last week. Fisheye drone imagery before the start of works. More exciting images to come in the next days.
  • (inserted: 13.09.2022 18:06)
    DIVE: 2022-09-13

    Still waiting for permits

    Rumor has it that the final missing permit will be issued soon.

  • (inserted: 13.09.2022 17:52)
    DIVE: 2022-09-05

    Drilling Company starts preparing the site

    Drilling company has started to prepare the drillsite, or has finished to prepare the site and the rig, and is waiting for permits

Displaying results 51 to 91 out of 91
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