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Deep Geodynamic Laboratory - Gulf of Corinth

Project Acronym: DGLAB | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5013

The DGLab project "Deep Geodynamic Laboratory-Gulf of Corinth" contributed to the development of an European seismic hazard research facility. Its main objective concerned the documentation of hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of faults as well as the acquisition of data required for seismic risk mitigation. The mechanical behaviour of faults was investigated through the instrumentation of deep boreholes intersecting active faults and designed for obtaining data on the physics of earthquakes and aseismic fault motion. This facility also included a set of deep permanent seismic sensors to document seismic signals at depth.

Keywords: Europe, Greece, Active Faults, Aigion, Earthquakes, Geothermy, Rift Zones

Project Details

Project Location

Project Timeline


9 July - 25 September 2002

Full Proposal Approved

First Proposal Submitted

Preliminary Proposal

Workshop Held

26-28 October 1997 in Athens, Greece

Workshop Proposal Approved