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Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides: Drilling the Main Caledonian Décollement and into the Basement of the Fennoscandian Shield

Project Acronym: COSC-1 | State: Post Moratorium | Expedition ID: 5054

The COSC project focuses on the mid Paleozoic Caledonide Orogen in Scandinavia in order to better understand orogenic processes, both in the past and in today's active mountain belts.

The Scandinavian Caledonides provide a particularly well preserved example of Paleozoic plate collision, with the underthrusting of continent Baltica beneath Laurentia and thickening of the continental crust to at least 100 km. In the Scandes, the surface geology in combination with geophysical data provide control of the geometry of the Caledonian structure, both of the allochthon and the underlying parautochthon-autochthon, and define the targets for drilling. The drillholes themselves will help us to better define the structure and physical conditions of the allochthons and underlying parautochthon during nappe emplacement.

Click here for information on the second phase of the COSC project.

Keywords: Europe, Sweden, Basement Deformation, Foreland, Natural Hazards, Paleoenvironment, Paleozoic, Post-weichselian Temperature Development

Project Details

Project Location

Project Timeline

Moratorium Phase 1

1 March 2015 - 1 March 2017

Sampling Party Phase 1

2 - 6 February 2015 in Berlin-Spandau, Germany

Drilling Phase 1

8 May - 26 August 2014

Full Proposal Phase 1 Approved

Workshop Held

21-25 June 2010 in Åre, Sweden

Workshop Proposal Approved