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Project Acronym: TOWUTI | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5055

ins.: 2015-07-04 02:00; ( Age: 9 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: Towuti_auto

Towuti: 2015-07-04

The 4th of July holiday. BBQ, swimming pools, fresh cut ...
Demobilization! (TDP on facebook)

The 4th of July holiday. BBQ, swimming pools, fresh cut grass, High Life. If I were home right now I'd probably smoke a pork shoulder. Well, here at TDP, we have a different way of celebrating the 4th: Demobilization! We spent the day disassembling the barge, with our flags flying high. The work is going quickly, and we are all working hard for a smooth and on-time departure. Best of all, Sinyo treated us to a coconut juice break in the mid-morning heat, which was much appreciated by Shane and Justin in the shade of the drill. To all of our friends stateside, we hope you had a great holiday! (TDP on facebook)