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Project Acronym: TOWUTI | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5055

ins.: 2015-07-13 02:00; ( Age: 9 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: Towuti_auto

Towuti: 2015-07-13

It's the final day in Indonesia for me for this ...
Dawn at Lake Towuti. (TDP on facebook)

It's the final day in Indonesia for me for this trip. The work isn't totally complete- we are still working on paperwork related to exporting our cores and equipment, but this will come together soon. For now, a final image of dawn at Lake Towuti. The project will now enter its next phase- opening the cores, and digging into detailed analyses to understand the environmental history of Sulawesi. Look for posts and updates here as this work gets into gear. (TDP on facebook)