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Daily News

Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017

ins.: 2010-12-14 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Dead Sea: 2010-12-15

We have begin coring again! Last night's night shift moved ...
The drill rig as seen from the air (view from west, shoreline and mountain chains of Jordan in the background)

We have begin coring again! Last night's night shift moved the platform over by about 5 meters and tripped down the pipe. The day shift today started coring the second hole (2 runs with the HPC and then drilling with the Alien was the plan). The logging crew are still here and will wait to log at least part of the new hole. The weather has been good. Just a little wind and some waves this morning. It is good to get back to work.