Daily News
Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017
ins.: 2010-12-17 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
Dead Sea
Dead Sea: 2010-12-18
The lake was a bit wavy this morning, but has ...
The lake was a bit wavy this morning, but has calmed down. Recovery in the top section of Hole C has been low due to a number of factors. After loosing the bottom-hole assembly, the drillers were left with one tool liner. A decision was made by head PI Moti Stein not to risk bending the last one on an HPC shot (which could have resulted in a delay of over a week while we waited for the spare parts to arrive), but rather go ahead with the Alien tool from the start. Moti, who is out on the rig today (as he is most days) reports that they have now penetrated a sequence of muds and white laminae, which he hopes is aragonite.