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Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017

ins.: 2010-12-20 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Dead Sea: 2010-12-21

There has been a little feeling of frustration in the ...
Bent rods pulled out of Hole A after the storm (Photo Emi Ito)

There has been a little feeling of frustration in the camp the last few days. Basically since the storm we have not been able to get good recovery. Hole B was lost and Hole C was not going as expected. All indication led Beau and his team to the conclusion the there was still bent pipe in the hole - damage from the storm or from the pressure of waves during the last few days. The loggers went out yesterday during the day shift and confirmed that the deviation was more than 11 degrees (!!) in some sections. A decision was made to pull out, replace all 60 lengths of pipe and begin again in Hole D. This time, the plan is take is slowly and really try to get good recovery for the top 100 m.