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Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017

ins.: 2010-12-23 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Dead Sea: 2010-12-24

Another inner-tube was bent when shooting the HPC in ...
Merry Christmas from the DEAD SEA

Another inner-tube was bent when shooting the HPC in Hole D. The drillers think that it may be due to pressurizing the tool too much after it fires. Luckily, they had another emergency tube that was brought from Lake Van, which had a small piece of core trapped in it (very different from the sediments found here!). The weather did not permit a shift change yesterday morning, but a new science team was sent out for the night shift. We brought a small Christmas tree with us and set it up on the barge in front of the drillers' shack - a little token of our appreciation. Since we had to pull out of Hole D, we began Hole E, but 3 meters below the lake floor, in the sediment. HPC was fired without driving it from above with pressure and recovery was good. The day shift reports that they too are getting good runs. We are keeping our fingers crossed.