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Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017

ins.: 2010-12-24 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Dead Sea: 2010-12-25

Once again, we lost the bit. Something is going on ...
Sunrise over the Jordanian mountains and the drill rig, December 23rd.

Once again, we lost the bit. Something is going on at around 33 m into the sediment. Beau explained that 6 pipes were in the hole when it broke meaning that it failed at the interface between the water and the lake floor. This could be caused by the salt falling around the pipe and gripping it, a deviated pipe from the rig to the seafloor (through the water column) caused by the rig drifting off-hole, or a combination of both. As this was the very last inner-tube for the alien and the HPC, drilling came to a halt. The container with the spare parts is in Israel, but being held up by bureaucratic issues at customs. We gave the drillers 24 hours off to go to Bethlehem for Christmas, which really improved their morale. They went back out today at 13:00 and are planning to trip down to Hole F and begin using the "extended bit" - which can only go through soft sediments (not salt). Hopefully, a Christmas miracle will occur and the container will be released and on its way tomorrow. Merry Christmas from all of us here!