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Project Acronym: DSDDP | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5017

ins.: 2010-12-28 23:00; ( Age: 14 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: Dead Sea
Dead Sea

Dead Sea: 2010-12-29

More problems. The weather has not been good to us. ...
Some salt that was left on the drill pipes after tripping up and being cleaned

More problems. The weather has not been good to us. The winds and currents have pushed us off-hole and bent the drill pipe.In addition, salt accumulation on the anchor cables is making them heavy and causing problems. After tripping up again, moving to Hole G (!) and tripping down, we are ready to begin once more, but... it was too windy to change the shifts. Night crew were stuck out on the platform again. Frustration has set in and the mood around here is not good.