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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2014-11-15 23:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2014-11-16

Good news from Ryan at the drill site! Current depth: ...

Good news from Ryan at the drill site! Current depth: 264.38 mbs. HSPDP-CHB14-2A is now the deepest of the HSPDP campaign! The water truck returned last night around 6:30PM and delivered a full load of water. Drilling resumed ~ 7:00PM last night and continued until ~2:30AM reaching a depth of 245.58mbs. The water truck returned this morning ~11 AM and drilling resumed to current depth. Unfortunately the tool is currently stuck in the BHA due to a sandy layer that has flowed over the tool preventing the overshot from retrieving it so we are now tripping all of the HQ rods out of the hole. Drilling will hopefully resume when night shift starts ~9PM tonight-assuming no major issues getting back to bottom. Good news for today, however, is that the second water truck has been freed from the mud and arrived a few hours ago with another load of water. We may receive 2 additional loads tonight as the original truck is on its way back, and this driver has agreed to do another run, returning around midnight. Once drilling can resume after this pipe trip-we may have enough water to operate for 2 consecutive 12 hour shifts. Fingers crossed that the hole will continue to be good to us!