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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2013-05-29 22:00; ( Age: 11 yrs )
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Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2013-05-30

The shipping containers finally made it from the docks in ...
The shipping containers arriving on the NOCK (National Oil Corporation of Kenya) yard.

The shipping containers finally made it from the docks in Mombasa to the NOCK (National Oil Corporation of Kenya) yard. Unfortunately, the truck was a bit too big for the NOCK entry gate! After removing some keypad posts and gate arms, the truck and crane finally made it in to be unloaded. Gear to be transported to the awaiting drill rig on May 31 with drilling planned for June 1. Drilling Report: Leave Norfolk Towers at 8am (Anders, Beau and Rich) and take taxi to NOCK yard. Wait on crane and containers. Truck with containers arrive shortly before 9am and waited on crane until 9:45ish. Entrance gate to NOCK yard extremely tight and difficult to navigate equipment thru. Crane managed to squeeze its way in, semi truck with containers ate up some time. Had to remove 2 electronic key pad authorization posts as well as electronic gate arm. Crane set up and containers were finally on the ground by 12noon. The next 1.5 hours we unloaded items from containers and into the land rover. Headed back to apartment. Due to the delays encountered this morning, we pushed the travel to Baringo back until tomorrow morning.DPI crews continue with minor rigging up tasks, ready to drill, standby and wait on science crews to arrive. Drilling still on schedule to start Saturday June 1.