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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2013-05-31 22:00; ( Age: 11 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2013-06-01

First day of drilling. A single 12 hour daylight shift ...
The Tugen Hills science team

First day of drilling. A single 12 hour daylight shift with all crew involved. Successfully drilled 25 meters! We will now begin 24 hour drilling with two 12-hour shifts. Photos above are of the Tugen Hills science team and the first Tugen Hills core (3 meters) on deck. Drilling Report: Breakfast at 6:30 then all members drive to site for a single 12 hour shift with both day and night shifts working together to get everyone up to speed and trained. 7:45 science team setting up their tent along with other various equipment. 8:30 sight orientation with all members of science and drill crew to go over safety topics and procedures along with general drilling operations. Start coring at 9:15 and drilled to a final depth of 24.90m for the shift. At the end of the shift DPI tripped out to change to a different style bit and shoe to try and improve core recovery for the day shift in the morning. Great first day for everyone!!!