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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2013-06-06 22:00; ( Age: 11 yrs )
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Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2013-06-07

Over the last few days we had a variety of ...
Assembling the Multisensor Core Logger

Over the last few days we had a variety of small glitches. Thursday evening we got our first significant rain at the drill site and saw the effect on our road in and out. There is a big hill coming down from the drill site and when the truck reached it, it started sliding even in 4WD-low. We parked it and called for the other vehicle to come from the lodge to get us but when the second car parked at the base of the hill we could not get it started again! So now we had two stuck vehicles and a 2km walk out to the main road where the hotel mini-van picked us up. A new load of core liner was delivered, but when we tried putting these into the coring tool inner tubes they wouldn't fit! The upshot is that Beau Marshall arrived in Nairobi late last night and went to the NOCK yard where 3 more inner tubes were in the DES containers and found that the liner does fit into those inner tubes. On the positive side, the Multisensor Core Logger is now up and running at the Soi Hotel and we are getting very nice data. The diatomites from deep-water lake phases show up very nicely. MSCL logging is moving ahead at about 10m an hour, so if nothing happens (fingers crossed against blackouts!) we will clear out the backlog of cores by tomorrow afternoon. Finally, we are currently at 204m, so over 80% of the way to our 250 target depth. Al Deino thinks we will have a significant temporal overlap in this record with the Afar record, which would be really great. Drilling Report: With one vehicle broken down in Nairobi and one broken down at the bottom of the hill we took a taxi to the bottom of the hill and then drove the Land Cruiser that was at the top of the hill to the site. Starting the day at 189.6m, both drill crews working together on the same shift we began coring. Half way through the second run the main hydraulic hose blew at 10:30am we had to shut down and go get a new hose made up. Drilling resumed at 4:30pm and cored down to 204.85m for a total of 15.25m. But with the torque climbing as we got deeper and the runs taking longer we stopped drilling at 11:30pm and will advance the casing in the morning.