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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2013-07-10 22:00; ( Age: 11 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2013-07-11

The science crew spent the day cleaning up the site, ...
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The science crew spent the day cleaning up the site, packing up and waiting for the truck to arrive from Nairobi that will bring cores and supplies back to Nairobi. As of the evening of the 11th it hadn't arrived, so Chris and company are making alternative plans for a truck to come up from Lodwar tomorrow (12th) to do this job. We will need to decide by about 10AM local time whether or not to send for this truck-all attempts to reach the driver of the truck coming from Nairobi have been unsuccessful although we know from Boniface that they made it at least as far as Kainuk, about 4 hours from Lodwar. We also know that the truck is not between Lodwar and Kaitio so the assumption is that it broke down out of cell phone range between Kainuk and Lodwar.