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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2014-06-08 22:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2014-06-09

Drillers arrived at the L. Magadi drill site on Sunday ...
DPI starts setting up drilling rig and offloading supplies at the L. Magadi drilling pad.

Drillers arrived at the L. Magadi drill site on Sunday June 8 and began setting up (see new photo!). On June 9 our resupply container with drilling equipment shipped from the US finally arrived on site and was offloaded. The international science team will start arriving in Kenya on June 12 and the entire science and DES teams will drive up to the drill site on the 14th. If all goes well we expect to start drilling Lake Magadi on 15 June.