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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2014-06-29 22:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2014-06-30

Started drilling today at Site 2. We had great success ...
Trona covered work boots in the hallway outside our house. Everything here is coated with a layer of white dust!

Started drilling today at Site 2. We had great success and got down ~40m in the first 12 hr shift. Everyone is happy to see lots of trona. Speaking of which, see the photos of the soon to be blockbuster viral graphic novel (courtesy of Anne Billingsley and Emma McNulty), -The Saga Of Trona Man- (what happens when scientists collecting cores in evaporites have too much down time on their hands.