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Project Acronym: HSDPD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5053

ins.: 2014-07-10 22:00; ( Age: 10 yrs )
By: RSS Feed
Category: HSPDP

HSPDP: 2014-07-11

And that's a wrap! Geophysical logging was completed yesterday morning ...
ICDP-OSG downhole logging equipment in front of the Magadi drill rig

And that's a wrap! Geophysical logging was completed yesterday morning on the Magadi 2A borehole with the loggers and science team arriving back in Nairobi last night. Now time to get the cores exported back to LacCore while the DPI crew finishes demobilizing at the site. Stay tuned for the final drill site at Chew Bahir, Ethiopia later this year.