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Project Acronym: DSEIS | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5063

ins.: 2017-09-21 02:00; ( Age: 7 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: DSEIS_

DSEIS: 2017-09-21

Yesterday evening, Dr. Tulli C. Onstott from Princeton University arrived ...
Tatsunari Yasutomi (Kyoto University), Dr. Tulli C. Onstott (Princeton University), Michael Rickenbacher (ETH Zurich), Dr. Errol Cason (Free State University), Dr. Jan G. Vermeulen (Free State University) and Dr. Hiroshi Ogasawara (Rits University)

Yesterday evening, Dr. Tulli C. Onstott from Princeton University arrived in South Africa. Already this morning Dr. Tulli C. Onstott, Dr. Hiroshi Ogasawara, Dr. Jan G. Vermeulen, Dr. Errol Cason, Tatsunari Yasumoti and Michael Rickenbacher went underground to visit site 1 and 2. At site 1, where the Moab Hole A was drilled, Dr. Hiroshi Ogasawara could test the hydrophone in the 760 meter deep borehole. The hydrophone is able to detect micro-seismicity (aftershocks) of the Orkney earthquake fault zone, which will be then analyzed by Tatsunari Yasumoti. The hydrophone test could help to detect the exact position of the fault zone. Furthermore, the DSeis-member could visit site 2 and on the way Dr. Tulli C. Onstott, Dr. Jan G. Vermeulen and Dr. Errol Cason, which are interest in deep microbiological life, could probe water of an underground spring located at an intersecting dyke. Back to surface again, Michael Rickenbacher could fetch the ICDP-core scanner which was shipped from the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) in Germany. The core scanner will be used to generate unrolled 360 degree images of the 760-meter long bore core from Moab Hole A.