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Daily News

Project Acronym: DSEIS | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5063

ins.: 2017-09-20 02:00; ( Age: 7 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: DSEIS_

DSEIS: 2017-09-20

Today on the surface, Michael continued with the fracture log. ...
During the analysis of the borecore some cataclasites can be observed.

Today on the surface, Michael continued with the fracture log. The core quality is excellent and exhibit some natural mineralized fractures. Sometimes small shear zones like cataclasites or ultracataclasites can be observed. In the underground, it was planned to test the hydrophone in Moab Hole A in order assure that the instruments are working for the main test phase. Unfortunately, a fuse was broken in the current transformer which powers the wireline winch. During the next night shift, a new fuse for the current transformer will be delivered. Hopefully, the main test phase of the hydrophone over the weekend can then be conducted without any problems. Finally, it was confirmed that the core scanner will arrive tomorrow. With the core scanner, unrolled pictures of the 760 meter long borecore will be undertaken.