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Project Acronym: DSEIS | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5063

ins.: 2017-08-30 02:00; ( Age: 7 yrs )
By: Scientists
Category: DSEIS_

DSEIS: 2017-08-30

The drilling of the deep borehole at Moab Khotsong has ...
Taku Noda (Rits University), Siyanda Mngadi (Witswatersrand University) and Michael Rickenbacher (ETH Zurich) having a look at the drilled cores at Moab Khotsong.

The drilling of the deep borehole at Moab Khotsong has now advanced to a depth of 697 meters. With a drilling rate of 15 meters a day, the end of the borehole at 750 meters depth and the fault zone are probably intersected next week. Last week Taku Noda from Rits University and Michael Rickenbacher from ETH Zurich arrived in South Africa. During the next weeks, Taku and Michael are going to start with core logging from 180 meters.