Daily News
Project Acronym: DSEIS | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5063
ins.: 2018-03-14 01:00; ( Age: 7 yrs )
DSEIS: 2018-03-14
The second borehole 'Moab Hole B' is currently at 688 ...
The second borehole 'Moab Hole B' is currently at 688 m depth. The drilled core is coming out in the triple tube barrel which prevents fragmented rock falling out of the barrel. In the forthcoming intersection of the fault zone, the fault material can be preserved. Today in the morning, Bennie Liebenberg and Michael Rickenbacher were cutting core samples for the planned analysis of thin section at ETH Zurich. In the afternoon, we continued logging and orienting the core at the core yard. Hopefully, tomorrow morning another 50 meters of core can be transported to the surface from the drill site at mine level 95 in a depth of 3000 meters below surface.
- Links:
- /fileadmin/icdp/projects/data/dseis/2018_03_14/DIS_OTHER.htm