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Daily News

Project Acronym: BVDP| State: Drilling Preparation | Expedition ID: 5067

ins.: 2023-06-25 19:37; ( Age: 1 year )
Category: Bushveld

BVDP: 2023-06-25

BVDP issued tender for drilling operation
Freshly-cleared access to the prospective BVDP drill site at Marula Mine (photo: Stuart Hill)

On June 25, 2023, the BVDP project team and Wits University issued a public tender for the drilling operation, the first milestone in getting our project underway. Part of the tender process was a visit to the prospective drill site at Marula Mine on July 20th. The visit was attended by a number of drilling and local community service companies, members of the BVDP team and Wits University Procurement office. We are grateful to the Marula Mine geological team for hosting us and preparing the prospective drill site for the visit.