OSG performed downhole logging in the major part of the 688 m (517 mblf) deep hole 1C. As downhole logging accompanied the ongoing drilling the hole was logged in four sections with a total of nearly 80 hours logging time distributed over 4 days. The sonic sonde was damged by the extremly low temperatures during transport of the equipment. The borehole was very stable due to bentonite mud treatment. Main target was to log the lake sediments and the transition to impact rocks. All depths below are meters below drill rig reference, not lake floor. At the drilling site the water depth was at 171 m.
EDP, Lake Elgygytgyn, RussiaApril 2009199-321 m
EDP, Lake Elgygytgyn, RussiaApril 2009305-370 m
EDP, Lake Elgygytgyn, RussiaApril 2009360-446 m
EDP, Lake Elgygytgyn, RussiaApril 2009423-565 m
The temperature profile was measured 0-566 m
Staff:Kück, Töpfer