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Continuous mud gas loggings during drilling as well as offline mud gas sampling are standard techniques in oil and gas exploration, where they are used to test reservoir rocks for hydrocarbons while drilling.
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The offered support reaches from evaluation and support of planning and management of downhole logging programs within ICDP proposals to the actual performance of entire or parts of borehole logging sessions. Our assistance in preparation of borehole logging programs comprises check of availability of equipment & expertise, equipment acquisition and cost assessment. If desired the OSG can carry out downhole logging measurements with a special equipment fitting most ICDP operating conditions.
Permanent Downhole Monitoring
To summarize the current state of the art in Permanent Downhole Monitoring (PDM) an outlook and recommendation for future development and research for both the service industry as well as academia is provided. We further propose suggestions and decision aids for Principal Investigators (PI) and scientists referring their selection criteria for an array system on the basis of reliability, sensitivity, risk of failure and investment cost.
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Fact Sheet "Service and Equipment Provision"
Planning, contracting and supervising a scientific drilling project
Geological mapping Drilling planning
Acquisition and administration of field, lab, and storage data
Data and Sample Management for Scientific Drilling Projects must be a comprehensive service in the long run. The main target is to acquire all information about the technical and scientific works performed during the operational phase in the field and in the lab. Well-documented sample material gets prepared for permanent storage. The resulting output provides basic and validated data sets; a common reference indespensible when most of the science team members start their scientific work.
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