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Daily News

Project Acronym: SAFOD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5025

ins.: 2022-10-06 12:17; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: SAFOD

SAFOD: 2007-09-11

Beginning at approximately 8 AM we began drill pipe
David Kirschner and Brett Carpenter wash core from just beyond the ""10830"" fault zone.

Beginning at approximately 8 AM, we began drill-pipe-deployed logging of the open hole. We collected resistivity, spectral gamma and sonic logs while tripping in the hole, and intended to collect these logs again (but in tool centralized mode) as well as an electrical image log (the Formation MicroScanner) while tripping out. However, the tool encountered strong resistance starting at about 10,700 ft MD, so we started to pull out of the hole and log up from there. At this time, high tensional loading was observed on the tool string and the drill pipe also got stuck. We started circulating drilling mud through the tool-head circulation sub, which freed both the drill pipe and the logging tools. Unfortunately, the lowermost module on the logging string -- containing the Formation MicroScanner and the tool orientaion sensor -- stopped functioning at this time. However, the rest of the tool continued to funcion properly and we were able to collect good-quality resistivity, spectral gamma and centralized sonic logs while pulling out of the hole. The logging assembly is now being tripped out of the hole and the Schlumberger crew has began demobilizing.