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Project Acronym: SAFOD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5025

ins.: 2022-10-06 12:17; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: SAFOD

SAFOD: 2007-09-01

Directional drilling to the 10830 fault zone began last
Core crew observe the core from the ""10480"" fault zone.

Directional drilling to the ""10830"" fault zone began last night and slowly made approximately 80 feet of new hole. The [pipe is now being tripped to replace the current bit with a new bit which will hopefully drill faster. Coring will hopefully commence Monday night or Tuesday. Today was the last day that crew member Tim Keenan of Saint Louis University worked with us (Tim is second from the left in the photo). He worked diligently for the past three months to insure that the cuttings and core were collected, processed, and archived properly. We thank him for his hard labor.