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Project Acronym: SAFOD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5025

ins.: 2022-10-06 12:17; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: SAFOD

SAFOD: 2007-08-08

12 feet of core were successfully recovered in the
This photo shows a ~1m wide zone of shearing within the sandstones that may be an ultracataclasite. Numerous small cataclastic shear bands are also present in the surrounding rocks.

12+ feet of core were successfully recovered in the second core run. The second core also contains arkosic sandstones that show increasing amounts of fracturing with depth. The coring assembly has been laid down and preparations are underway to rotary drill approximately 100 feet to the next coring target, and active trace of the San Andreas Fault.