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Project Acronym: SAFOD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5025

ins.: 2022-10-06 12:17; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: SAFOD

SAFOD: 2007-07-30

Directional drilling through the arkosic sandstone cuttings shown to
Cuttings from the directional drilling of the second side track.

Directional drilling through the arkosic sandstone (cuttings shown to the right) has been progressing well over the past two days. We are currently at 10,000 feet measured depth, and will continue drilling until we reach approximately 10,300 feet. The first target for coring will be the apparent boundary between the Pacific plate (as characterized by arkosic sandstones) and the North American plate (as characterized by the siltstones and shales of the Great Valley formation).