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Daily News

Project Acronym: SAFOD | State: Completed | Expedition ID: 5025

ins.: 2022-10-06 12:17; ( Age: 2 yrs )
By: sql
Category: SAFOD

SAFOD: 2007-08-23

Today we ran in the hole with the bit
Drill crew setting aside the drill bit, mud motor and bent-sub assembly.

Today we ran in the hole with the bit, mud motor and bent-sub assembly in an attempt to start the side track off the cement plug at 10,245 ft MD. However, the bit stopped before reaching the top of the cement plug, either due to a bridge in the hole or landing on a ledge. We have now tripped out of the hole with this assembly and are rigging up for a reaming trip to the top of the cement plug, after which we will make another attempt to kick off and start the sidetrack.